The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Lucy's siblings react when she tells them she has been to Narnia?
(a) They are certain she was dreaming.
(b) They think she is making up stories.
(c) They are worried about her health.
(d) They think she is telling them about a book she read.

2. Why does Lucy feel so guilty and miserable about Mr. Tumnus' arrest?
(a) She knows there is nothing she can do to help him.
(b) She really took a liking to Mr. Tumnus.
(c) She knows that she is the human who got him in trouble.
(d) She fears she told someone about what he did.

3. What is so peculiar about the spare room with the wardrobe in it?
(a) Everything in it seems antiquated.
(b) It has not been cleaned or used in years.
(c) There is no other furniture there.
(d) The door was locked.

4. What is Lucy so happy about when she sees Edmund in Narnia for the first time?
(a) She was able to get in again.
(b) Edmund was able to get in.
(c) Mr. Tumnus was not punished.
(d) She knows an army is preparing to defeat the queen.

5. Why does Edmund go into the wardrobe for the first time?
(a) He is hiding from the professor because he is in trouble.
(b) He wants to find Narnia.
(c) He follows Lucy.
(d) He is playing hide-and-seek.

6. Who does Susan take with her when she talks to the Professor about Lucy?
(a) Peter.
(b) The housekeeper.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Edmund.

7. Where does Edmund meet Lucy while he is in Narnia for the first time?
(a) Walking along the sledge trail.
(b) Just outside of the wardrobe entrance.
(c) At Mr.Tumnus' house.
(d) At the lamp post.

8. How does the faun entertain Lucy while she is at his house?
(a) Tells stories.
(b) Plays some music.
(c) Plays card games.
(d) Asks lots of questions.

9. What does Mr. Beaver say is the only way the Pevency children can save Edmund from the White Witch?
(a) To find Aslan.
(b) To pray for him.
(c) To kill the White Witch.
(d) To follow him.

10. How do the children decide to keep warm while they are in Narnia together?
(a) They huddle up together.
(b) They stay near the wardrobe entrance.
(c) They quickly run to Mr. Tumnus' house.
(d) They wear coats from the wardrobe.

11. Why is the queen bereft of any heirs when she meets Edmund?
(a) She is immortal.
(b) They have been taken.
(c) They have all deserted her cause.
(d) She has no children.

12. Where are the Pevency children supposed to meet Aslan?
(a) At the lamp post.
(b) At the Stone Table.
(c) At Cair Paravel.
(d) In the Black Ice Castle.

13. What kind of creature is Aslan?
(a) Jaguar.
(b) Lion.
(c) Tiger.
(d) Cougar.

14. What is the occupation of the man the Pevency children are sent to live with at the beginning of the book?
(a) Banker.
(b) Farmer.
(c) Pilot.
(d) Professor.

15. Where does the faun think Lucy is from when he first meets her?
(a) London.
(b) The country of Spare Oom and the city of War Drobe.
(c) The country of Side, and the city of Engleash.
(d) The country of Cloiset, and the city of Proof Nessner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What good news does Mr. Beaver tell the children after they discuss Mr. Tumnus' sad fate?

2. What does Lucy give the faun when he starts to cry while she is at his house?

3. What is the name of the second oldest sibling?

4. What does the queen do while Edmund is warming himself in her sledge?

5. What does Peter help the beaver do when they reach the beaver's house?

(see the answer keys)

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