Lilith Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lilith Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What legend does Vane learn from his butler?

2. How does Vane try to revive the corpse?

3. What does the woman catch biting Vane?

4. In what state does the woman think she has been?

5. Whose papers does Vane find?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mr. Vane think may have happened to him and what does he do because of that?

2. How does the woman act when she first stands alive?

3. What comforts Vane about his father and what does Vane postulate about his father's death?

4. How does Vane continue to try to resurrect the fresh corpse of the woman?

5. How does Vane interact with the white Leopardess?

6. What happens after Vane eats a tiny apple?

7. How does Raven explain the sleepers?

8. Why does Vane follow the woman?

9. Of what do the Little Ones warn Vane?

10. Why isn't Raven very accommodating to Vane?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Obviously, much of Lilith is grounded in Judeo-Christian traditions and writings. Discuss one the following:

1. Discuss five images that arise out of the Torah/Old Testament. What does each image mean in the Torah/Old Testament? How is the meaning of the image similar in Lilith as in the Torah/Old Testament? How is the meaning different?

2. Discuss five images that arise out of the Christian text called The New Testament. What does each image mean in the The New Testament? How is the meaning of the image similar in Lilith as in the The New Testament? How is the meaning different?

3. Some critics/readers have suggested that Lilith is a Christian allegory, while others say that it has elements of an allegory, but is not. Define allegory and discuss whether you think Lilith is an allegory. Give examples to support your stance.

Essay Topic 2

She calls the Little Ones "careless little Lovers" who do not know their own names. When Vane wonders about his own true name, she declares that this is unimportant. In many cultures, names are considered sacred and one who knows someone else's "true" name has power over that person. Discuss the following:

1. Thoroughly trace and analyze the concept of names in Lilith. Does a person have more than one name? Why or why not? How is a true name given? Why use more than one name?

2. How does Vane's relationship change to others as he learns their names? (For example, when he figures out that Raven is actually Adam from the creation story in Genesis.)

3. Do you think Lilith's name changes as she finally agrees to sleep (true death)? Why or why not.

4. Why do you think the Little Ones do not know their own names? Why does Lona know her name? What do you think will change about the Little Ones as they (if they) learn their names?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss one of the following:

1. Thoroughly trace and analyze the theme of "universal salvation" as it occurs in LILITH. What does this term mean in context of Christianity? How is it expressed in Lilith? Is this concept part of the fundamental precepts of most Christian sects? Why or why not?

2. Thoroughly trace and analyze the theme of greed as it occurs in LILITH. What characters are greedy? Why? Is Vane greedy when he reaches out to grasp the beautiful creature he sees (Chapter 7, p. 47). Who is able to let go of greed? How do they do so? Does anyone refuse to transform his/her greed? Who? Why?

3. Thoroughly trace and analyze the juxtaposing of beauty with evil. How are the two concepts related? What characters are beautiful? Is beauty only physical? What characters are beautiful on the outside but evil on the inside? Is the internal evil transformed to match the external beauty? With whom? How?

(see the answer keys)

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