Lilith Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lilith Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vane understand about Raven?
(a) He is Christ.
(b) He is Lot.
(c) He is Adam.
(d) He is Everyman.

2. What has the desert become?
(a) Grassy plains and forests.
(b) A mountain.
(c) An ocean.
(d) Infinitesimally small.

3. Who has a baby?
(a) The house gnome.
(b) The lion.
(c) The white leopard.
(d) The spotted leopard.

4. What pushes Vane through a little door?
(a) A warm hand.
(b) Eve.
(c) Adam.
(d) Mara.

5. What does Vane advice the Old Man to do?
(a) To contact Vane's father.
(b) To return to the desert.
(c) To lie on one of the couches.
(d) To go to the cottage, eat and drink, and wait for the advice of the wise Lady of Sorrow.

6. How are the two worlds described in the book?
(a) The same.
(b) Strangely one yet wide apart.
(c) Two distinct worlds occupying the same space.
(d) They are not described.

7. Who does God send to replace Lilith?
(a) Eve.
(b) Sarah.
(c) No one.
(d) The woman without a name.

8. From what does a pack of cats save Vane?
(a) The Princess.
(b) The skeleton couple.
(c) Wolves.
(d) The spotted leopard.

9. What swirls above the mountain where the company is heading?
(a) Angels.
(b) Clouds.
(c) The hosts of earth.
(d) The hosts of heaven.

10. What does the Princess ask Vane to do?
(a) Leave immediately.
(b) Climb a tree.
(c) Go to sleep.
(d) Kill himself for her.

11. Who interrupts Raven's reading?
(a) A unicorn.
(b) Mrs. Raven.
(c) A huge, white cat.
(d) A fairy.

12. What does the Princess do?
(a) Stabs Lona.
(b) Screams.
(c) Stabs Vane.
(d) Dashes Lona to the marble floor.

13. Towards what do Vane and Lona climb?
(a) Knowledge.
(b) The Ancient of Days.
(c) A meeting with their children.
(d) A meeting with their parents.

14. How does Lilith attach Vane?
(a) By kicking him.
(b) By turning into a lion.
(c) With her teeth.
(d) By turning into a cat.

15. What must Vane do in the desert?
(a) Bury Lilith's hand.
(b) Die.
(c) Drink of the only well in the desert.
(d) Fast for 40 days.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the man described?

2. Why does Vane not know his mother at first?

3. What have the Little Ones learned to do?

4. What keeps expanding?

5. Whose brain has Vane been inside?

(see the answer keys)

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