The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Latimer's father's secret help Latimer and Bertha to do?
(a) Get the divorce they both want.
(b) Take their place in society.
(c) Run away and start a new life.
(d) Start a family.

2. According to Bertha, what will cause arguments in her marriage?
(a) Latimer.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Mrs. Filmore.
(d) Money.

3. What does Charles ask Latimer to help him with regarding Mrs. Archer?
(a) An organ removal.
(b) Talking her into staying.
(c) A blood transfusion.
(d) Forcing her to leave.

4. Why is Latimer's father happy about Latimer's marriage?
(a) Because Bertha has money.
(b) Because it will be an honor to have her as part of the family.
(c) Because Bertha will mold Latimer into what she wants him to be.
(d) Because it will unite the family with the Filmores.

5. How does Latimer see the relationship between him and his father changing after the death?
(a) They both apologize for how they acted in the past.
(b) The death formed a bond brought on by shared sorrow.
(c) It does not change their relationship.
(d) The death created even more hatred between them.

6. What day is Latimer to die?
(a) October 28, 1850.
(b) September 20, 1850.
(c) March 28, 1850.
(d) January 20, 1850.

7. Bertha tells Latimer that two of their servants are to be married. What does Bertha tell Latimer after the marriage announcement?
(a) Alfred is alive.
(b) She is leaving him.
(c) Her aunt has died.
(d) She has hired a new maid.

8. After their marriage, why does Latimer wish to read Bertha's mind?
(a) He wants to know if she still loves Alfred.
(b) He wants to know if she still plans on running away.
(c) He wants to know if what he does pleases her.
(d) He wants to know if she cares about what he does for her.

9. While they are married, why do Latimer and Bertha begin to spend more time alone?
(a) Because they now have a child.
(b) Because they have spent all of their money.
(c) Because Bertha is very ill.
(d) Because they are at home nursing Latimer's father.

10. What mistake does Latimer make in asking Bertha if she will love him when they are married?
(a) He believes that Alfred heard them.
(b) He believes that he may have slipped up and possibly given an indication of his powers.
(c) He believes that he may be sick again.
(d) He believes that Bertha may think that he is crazy.

11. Just after Latimer's father dies, what does Latimer realize he can/cannot do?
(a) He realizes that he has lost all of his powers.
(b) He realizes he can read Bertha's mind.
(c) He realizes he cannot see the future.
(d) He realizes he can change the past.

12. What does Mrs. Archer accuse Bertha of doing?
(a) Poisoning Latimer's father.
(b) Poisoning Alfred.
(c) Poisoning Latimer.
(d) Poisoning her daughter.

13. What is the name of the new occupant of Bertha and Latimer's household?
(a) Mrs. Pierre.
(b) Mrs. Archer.
(c) Mrs. Arthor.
(d) Mrs. Filmore.

14. Who does Latimer return home from Switzerland with?
(a) His father.
(b) Bertha.
(c) Mrs. Filmore.
(d) Alfred.

15. Which of Latimer's childhood friends come to visit him after his father's death?
(a) Caesar Newfound.
(b) Charles Meunier.
(c) Charles Filmore.
(d) Jacque Meunier.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bertha hope Latimer will do so that their marriage will end?

2. How do Latimer's feelings about Bertha change once he finds out how she really feels about him?

3. While Bertha and Latimer are walking the grounds at home, what does Bertha tell Latimer about her love for Alfred?

4. After Charles has pronounced Mrs. Archer dead, why does Bertha re-enter the room?

5. After their marriage, why are Bertha's thoughts still a mystery?

(see the answer keys)

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