Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pi find when he boarded the other man's boat to scavenge for food?
(a) Turtle meat, fish, biscuit crumbs, and water.
(b) Olives, water, and canned fish.
(c) Fish, shark meat, and crackers.
(d) Nothing. The man's boat was as empty as his.

2. What did Pi manage to salvage after the great storm?
(a) His tarp.
(b) His raft.
(c) His fishing pole.
(d) One whistle.

3. What did Pi recover from the water in the collection of something that came along?
(a) Drifting wood.
(b) Dead fish.
(c) Rope.
(d) An empty, floating wine bottle.

4. What did the officials say to the author about the interview with Pi?
(a) It was amazing and heroic.
(b) It was hard but purposeful.
(c) It was incomplete and unusual.
(d) It was difficult and memorable.

5. What did the interviewers tell Pi they thought about his story?
(a) That they thought it was so improbable it was amazing he had survived.
(b) That they didn't believe it.
(c) That they thought it was a story of heroism.
(d) That his family would be proud to have him return.

6. When did Pi start spending more time on the lifeboat?
(a) When Pi lost his blanket to the sea during the storm.
(b) When the tiger did not attack him after the storm.
(c) When the tiger moved to the raft.
(d) When the raft was ruined in the storm.

7. What did Pi find solace in, even though he had to continually reconsider his place in God's universe?
(a) His religious memories.
(b) Prayer.
(c) His religious expressions.
(d) His own thoughts.

8. What ran out before Pi was done writing in his diary?
(a) The ink in his pens.
(b) Daylight.
(c) Room on the page.
(d) His hope.

9. What were two big events in Pi's daily routine?
(a) Eating and drinking water on his raft.
(b) Collecting rainfall and catching turtles.
(c) Taking his raft out for a while and feeding the tiger.
(d) Talking with the tiger and fishing.

10. What did Pi always feel at the center of?
(a) A huge circle made of sky and ocean.
(b) The circle of the sea.
(c) A circle of despair and hopelessness.
(d) The circle of life.

11. What did the crouching tiger do when Pi turned to face him after the storm?
(a) Growled at Pi.
(b) Lunged at Pi, aiming to kill him.
(c) Licked his nose and averted his gaze.
(d) Leaned over the boat and clubbed at a fish.

12. What is life's only opponent, in the eyes of Pi?
(a) Exhaustion.
(b) Fear.
(c) Death.
(d) Power.

13. What did the tiger associate with trespassing to remember to avoid it?
(a) Nausea and blowing the whistle.
(b) Nausea and exhaustion.
(c) Fish and the whistle.
(d) A rocking boat and fish.

14. What did Pi and Richard Parker come eye to eye with after the great storm?
(a) A cargo boat.
(b) Another lifeboat.
(c) A shark.
(d) A whale.

15. What emerged for Pi through the darkest times?
(a) His despair.
(b) His love for his mother.
(c) His hope.
(d) His faith.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the date that Pi's interview with the officials began?

2. What did Pi finally realize after reading the manual written by a British Royal Navy commander?

3. What happened to the underside of Pi's raft?

4. What sea creatures were around the boat most of the time?

5. What happened as starvation began to set in?

(see the answer keys)

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