Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pi recover from the water in the collection of something that came along?
(a) Rope.
(b) An empty, floating wine bottle.
(c) Dead fish.
(d) Drifting wood.

2. What did Pi first see in the distance, that he dismissed as a hallucination?
(a) Trees.
(b) A beach.
(c) Mountains.
(d) A hammock.

3. What of Pi's disintegrated from the sun and salt?
(a) His clothes.
(b) His food.
(c) His raft.
(d) His boat.

4. What two things does Pi attribute his survival alongside Richard Parker with?
(a) His faith in his religion and his mother's love for him.
(b) His ignorance at the true dangers of Richard Parker and luck.
(c) The seperate spaces of the raft and the lifeboat.
(d) Richard Parker's tendency towards seasickness and Pi being the provider of food and water.

5. What did Pi always feel at the center of?
(a) A huge circle made of sky and ocean.
(b) The circle of the sea.
(c) A circle of despair and hopelessness.
(d) The circle of life.

6. What did the interviewers feed Pi before he told them his story?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Fish.
(c) A cookie.
(d) A sandwich.

7. What did the final report say about Pi's knowledge of the reason the ship sank?
(a) Pi had no real knowledge but was sure it had been because of bad luck.
(b) Pi knew that the ship had sank because he had been the one to sink it.
(c) Pi knew why the ship had sank but would never divulge the secret.
(d) Pi had no conclusive knowledge.

8. What did Pi call the tiger's snorting in and out?
(a) Prusten.
(b) Gresting.
(c) Gruften.
(d) Preften.

9. What did Pi continue to use to communicate with the tiger?
(a) Hand gestures.
(b) Shouting.
(c) A whistle.
(d) A stick.

10. What did Pi find solace in, even though he had to continually reconsider his place in God's universe?
(a) Prayer.
(b) His religious memories.
(c) His religious expressions.
(d) His own thoughts.

11. When did Pi start spending more time on the lifeboat?
(a) When the tiger did not attack him after the storm.
(b) When Pi lost his blanket to the sea during the storm.
(c) When the raft was ruined in the storm.
(d) When the tiger moved to the raft.

12. What did he do to provoke the tiger during training?
(a) Stole his tarp and used it to make a new mast on the raft.
(b) Pounced on him like a predator.
(c) Intruded on the neutral area.
(d) Poked him with a stick.

13. What was an act of deference by the tiger to Pi?
(a) Hiding his feces.
(b) Growling at Pi.
(c) Not lashing out at Pi.
(d) Being silent and gentle with Pi.

14. What did the manual suggest Pi drink as a nutritious drink?
(a) Tiger urine.
(b) Turtle blood.
(c) Fish guts.
(d) Sea Water.

15. What was a 'dream rag'?
(a) The tarp that protected Pi from the tiger.
(b) A map of the sea in the manual.
(c) Pi's cloth that gave him amazing dreams and hallucinations.
(d) A cloth that silenced and pacified the tiger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the great storm one afternoon take with it?

2. How did Richard Parker react when Pi shouted a greeting to him?

3. Why did Pi give generously to the tiger at the cost of his own hunger and thirst?

4. What did Pi plan to do with the tiger once the tiger expressed friendliness and harmlessness?

5. What is life's only opponent, in the eyes of Pi?

(see the answer keys)

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