Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is life's only opponent, in the eyes of Pi?
(a) Fear.
(b) Death.
(c) Exhaustion.
(d) Power.

2. What did Pi have a hard time butchering?
(a) Turtles.
(b) Eels.
(c) Sharks.
(d) Fish.

3. What were the greatest of contradictions, according to Pi?
(a) Boredom and terror.
(b) Faith and hopelessness.
(c) The sea and the sky.
(d) Darkness of the night and the daylight.

4. What was the collection of that Pi's lifeboat came along in the water?
(a) Trash.
(b) Sharks.
(c) Flying fish.
(d) Dead fish.

5. What did the officials say to the author about the interview with Pi?
(a) It was hard but purposeful.
(b) It was incomplete and unusual.
(c) It was amazing and heroic.
(d) It was difficult and memorable.

6. What did Pi do to keep Richard Parker satisfied?
(a) Did not get near him, leaving him alone.
(b) Put him on the raft.
(c) Caught as many fish as possible.
(d) Talked to him while he petted him.

7. What equipment did Pi fish the most with?
(a) His hands.
(b) Poles.
(c) Gaffs.
(d) Hooks.

8. What did the tiger associate with trespassing to remember to avoid it?
(a) A rocking boat and fish.
(b) Nausea and blowing the whistle.
(c) Nausea and exhaustion.
(d) Fish and the whistle.

9. What did a British Royal Navy commander write that Pi took the time to read?
(a) A manual on how to hunt and fish after being shipwrecked,
(b) A manual on British flora and fauna,
(c) A survival manual with practical advice on how to survive a shipwreck.
(d) A manual about the ocean tides and currents.

10. What did the tiger do when he and Pi landed on the shore of the small island?
(a) Leapt from the boat and disappeared over a ridge.
(b) Saw a moving animal and raced after it, hunting it down and tearing it apart for food.
(c) Stayed close to Pi, now trained and secure in his presence.
(d) Stayed on the boat, skeptical of the island.

11. How long had Pi been at sea for when he calculated it?
(a) 227 days.
(b) 180 days.
(c) 282 days.
(d) 104 days.

12. What did the crouching tiger do when Pi turned to face him after the storm?
(a) Leaned over the boat and clubbed at a fish.
(b) Lunged at Pi, aiming to kill him.
(c) Growled at Pi.
(d) Licked his nose and averted his gaze.

13. What did Pi discover, days after the tiger started rubbing his eyes and meowing?
(a) The tiger's sensitivity.
(b) The tiger's blindness.
(c) The tiger's gentleness.
(d) The tiger's sore leg.

14. After a few days when Pi started exploring the island, what small, furry, carnivorous animal did he find?
(a) Rats.
(b) Rabbits.
(c) Meerkats.
(d) Mongoose.

15. What did Pi plan to do with the tiger once the tiger expressed friendliness and harmlessness?
(a) Tame him.
(b) Train him.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Leave him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Pi's suffering became intense, what did he do with the greater part of his days?

2. What happened after Pi discovered he was blind?

3. When Pi awoke in the middle of the night and saw the huge moonlit sky before him, what did he think about with regards to himself and the rest of the sea?

4. What two things does Pi attribute his survival alongside Richard Parker with?

5. Since Pi had no bait, what did he cut up to fish with in the morning, after his leather shoe was unsuccessful?

(see the answer keys)

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