Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 1, Chapter 33, when the author and Pi look through photos, what period in Pi's life has only a few photos?
(a) His time in Brazil.
(b) His life in India.
(c) His wedding.
(d) His time at the University of Toronto.

2. What did Richard Parker kill while Pi was building the raft?
(a) A rat.
(b) A hyena.
(c) A fish.
(d) A bird.

3. When Pi got back into the lifeboat in Part 2, who did he see look out from under the tarp?
(a) The zebra.
(b) The tiger.
(c) The hyena.
(d) The monkey.

4. Why does the author promise the reader a happy ending to Pi's tale?
(a) So the reader will continue reading the story.
(b) He has no specific reason for doing this.
(c) Because people like to read books with happy endings.
(d) So the reader will not feel so sad.

5. How did Richard Parker end up in the lifeboat with Pi?
(a) He was there before Pi got in.
(b) Pi helped him swim to the boat by throwing him a life buoy.
(c) He jumped into the boat from the ship.
(d) Pi doesn't know how he got there.

6. According to Pi, why will a lion in a zoo attack?
(a) Its territory is invaded.
(b) It doesn't like the trainer or zookeeper.
(c) It is mean.
(d) It is hungry.

7. Why does Pi think that the hyena did not attack him?
(a) Because the hyena had not yet gotten to him.
(b) Because Pi had not yet gotten close enough to him.
(c) Because the hyena wasn't hungry.
(d) Because the tiger was in the boat.

8. How did Pi spend his second night on the lifeboat?
(a) Crying with grief about his family.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Walking about the boat.
(d) Swimming and sleeping.

9. What convinced Pi he wasn't going to die?
(a) A voice.
(b) A rat.
(c) Richard Parker.
(d) A friend.

10. Which of the following does Pi discuss as a strange living arrangement of animals?
(a) Monkeys living with a zebra.
(b) A mouse living with a viper.
(c) Sheep living with a rhino.
(d) A cat living with a lion.

11. How large was the boat?
(a) 4 feet deep, 18 feet wide, 10 feet long.
(b) 3.5 feet deep, 8 feet wide, 26 feet long.
(c) 10 feet deep, 4 feet wide, 18 feet long.
(d) 26 feet deep, 8 feet wide, 3.5 feet long.

12. As Pi was losing hope, his courage rose and what did he no longer fear?
(a) Sleeping in the boat.
(b) Going hungry.
(c) The tiger.
(d) The hyena.

13. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Pi's prayer rug?
(a) It reminded him of the sacredness of the earth.
(b) He used it outside.
(c) He lost it.
(d) He used it in the mosque.

14. After the hyena killed the zebra, what did the hyena do?
(a) Killed Orange Juice.
(b) Went to sleep.
(c) Tried to kill Pi.
(d) Jumped overboard.

15. According to Pi, when do animals try to escape from the zoo?
(a) When they are hungry.
(b) When they are unhappy.
(c) When they want to return to their prior home.
(d) When they don't like their habitat.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the author, which of the following was a reason why Pi decided to get back into the lifeboat?

2. Who was Mr. Satish Kumar?

3. Pi's interest in which of the following is one of the themes that runs throughout the book?

4. As Pi was in the lifeboat, what animal floated by and got into the boat?

5. Which of these events did not occur before the ship sank?

(see the answer keys)

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