Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Pi got back into the lifeboat in Part 2, who did he see look out from under the tarp?
(a) The tiger.
(b) The monkey.
(c) The hyena.
(d) The zebra.

2. How did Pi end up in the lifeboat?
(a) His father put him there as the ship was sinking.
(b) He fell off the ship and swam to the lifeboat.
(c) It was his assigned lifeboat and he went there as the ship sank.
(d) He was thrown overboard and landed there.

3. What religion is Pi?
(a) Hindu.
(b) Protestant.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Muslim.

4. Which of the following statements is true about Pi's parents' practice of their religion?
(a) Pi's parents were not very religious.
(b) Pi's parents practiced their Hindu religion faithfully all the time.
(c) Pi's mother had a Hindu upbringing, but had been schooled as a Presbyterian.
(d) Pi's father was raised as a Hindu, but had been schooled as a Baptist.

5. In Part 1, Chapter 1, the main character tells about his experience in which location?
(a) A Canadian hospital.
(b) An English restaurant.
(c) A Mexican hospital.
(d) A Mexican restaurant.

6. Pi and Mr. Kumar agreed on what?
(a) That Pi should spend more time studying.
(b) On politics.
(c) On the sacredness of the zoo.
(d) That all religions were basically the same.

7. According to the author, which of the following was a reason why Pi decided to get back into the lifeboat?
(a) He was cold and tired.
(b) He wanted to get dry.
(c) He knew the tiger would not hurt him.
(d) There was a shark in the water.

8. What separated Pi from the Tiger on the boat?
(a) A table.
(b) A floor.
(c) A tarp.
(d) A wall.

9. What did Richard Parker kill while Pi was building the raft?
(a) A hyena.
(b) A fish.
(c) A bird.
(d) A rat.

10. Who was Mr. Satish Kumar?
(a) Mr. Kumar was an agnostic.
(b) Mr. Kumar was the reason Pi studied theology.
(c) Mr. Kumar was a Communist and atheist.
(d) Mr. Kumar was a good looking man who believed in God.

11. Which of the following is true about Pi's family's departure from India?
(a) The whole family was excited about going to Canada.
(b) Pi was excited about leaving, but his mother was sad.
(c) The ship was delayed in its departure because of weather.
(d) Other families on the ship were going to Canada as well.

12. Who is Antieji?
(a) Pi's foster mother in Toronto.
(b) Pi's aunt.
(c) Pi's best friend.
(d) Pi's cousin.

13. According to Pi, when do animals try to escape from the zoo?
(a) When they are unhappy.
(b) When they want to return to their prior home.
(c) When they don't like their habitat.
(d) When they are hungry.

14. What happened after the meeting of Pi's parents and his religious teachers?
(a) They all had tea together.
(b) Pi's family went out for ice cream.
(c) Pi went to bed.
(d) Pi went off by himself to think about the meeting.

15. Why must a circus lion trainer establish that he is the alpha male with respect to the lion?
(a) The lion must know who is boss, which will make it feel secure.
(b) All lions want to be dominated.
(c) Only female lions are used in the circus.
(d) The trainer must show the lion he is physically stronger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal do zookeepers think of as the most dangerous animal in the zoo?

2. In Part 1, Chapter 36, who is not at Pi's home to welcome the author when the author meets again with Pi and his family?

3. What event showed that fortune was with Pi?

4. As Pi was in the lifeboat, what animal floated by and got into the boat?

5. Why does Pi think that the hyena did not attack him?

(see the answer keys)

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