Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do Jaromil's parents redecorate his room?
(a) The night before his sixth birthday.
(b) The day after his grandpa's funeral.
(c) The day before Christmas when he is six.
(d) The night before his fifth birthday.

2. How does Jaromil treat his dates with girls?
(a) As the potential for sexual activity.
(b) As exercises in conversation.
(c) As rites of passage necessary for manhood.
(d) As uncomfortable times he must endure.

3. What is the highest point of happiness which Jaromil reaches so far in his life?
(a) His father's memorial service as a war hero.
(b) A girl resting her head on his shoulder.
(c) Sleeping with the girl he met at dancing class.
(d) The reconciliation with his mother after their fight.

4. Where does Jaromil show off opinions about education which he heard from his grandfather?
(a) At the doctor's office.
(b) At a friend's house.
(c) During school.
(d) At the dentist's office.

5. What kind of dog does the art teacher have?
(a) A Great Dane.
(b) A St. Bernard.
(c) An Alsatian.
(d) A Dalmatian.

6. The second time that Jaromil does not make love to the university girl, what does she think?
(a) He is secretly gay.
(b) There is something wrong with his body.
(c) He wants to break up with her.
(d) He does not love her.

7. Why does Xavier stay in the woman's room when her husband comes home?
(a) He does not have time to leave.
(b) He wants to put the woman in danger as a form of revenge.
(c) He wants to confront her husband.
(d) He wants to protect her from danger.

8. Why is Jaromil filled with pride after sleeping with the redhead girl?
(a) She thinks he is experienced.
(b) She relieved him of his virginity.
(c) She does not ask questions about his inexperience.
(d) She is strikingly beautiful.

9. Why does Jaromil not react to the words his mother painted for his room redecoration?
(a) He is ashamed that she used his own words.
(b) He is amazed that his words have their own significance.
(c) He is embarrassed to show how proud he is of them.
(d) He does not recognize that the words are his.

10. How does Maman view her love for the young engineer?
(a) As the preface for the love for her child.
(b) As a revolt against her parents' prosaic lives.
(c) As a passing fling.
(d) As her life's consuming passion.

11. What are the four students singing about while on the train?
(a) A summer storm.
(b) The skiing holiday.
(c) Their train ride.
(d) A dead canary.

12. Why is Jaromil especially proud of the slogan "No churches"?
(a) Church reminds him of his mother.
(b) The statement erases two thousand years of history.
(c) He hates the idea of God.
(d) The youth of today do not need to be burdened by religion.

13. Why does Jaromil write so many poems about women's bodies?
(a) The body is beyond the reach of his understanding.
(b) He wants to immortalize the body of his first lover.
(c) He wants to establish himself as a romantic poet.
(d) He is obsessed with how women's bodies look.

14. Why does Maman weep as the artist makes love to her?
(a) She knows that she is nothing more than the canvas for his ideas.
(b) She is sad that she will never marry him.
(c) She equates him to the Apollo statue, which she had wanted to be the model of Jaromil's personality.
(d) She is finally ashamed of the affair.

15. Why does the artist begin loaning books to Jaromil?
(a) So that Maman will be unafraid to read them.
(b) He wants to expand Jaromil's knowledge of art.
(c) He wants Jaromil to think that he is very smart.
(d) So that Jaromil will study in his spare time.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the artist's opinion about Jaromil's drawings of headless women?

2. In the opinion of Jaromil's uncle, why did the revolution occur?

3. To what does Jaromil poetically compare Magda?

4. During the Marxist debate which Jaromil attends, how does one person cause a distraction?

5. What night does Magda take her bath?

(see the answer keys)

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