Life Is a Dream Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Is a Dream Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Segismundo decide after his conversation with Clotaldo and Clotaldo's advice about doing right in a dream?

2. How does Segismundo react to the soldiers' offer?

3. What does Segismundo do to Clotaldo instead of the action suggested in question #119?

4. What percentage of the people of Poland desire Segismundo as their king?

5. What seems to be a predominant characteristic of Clotaldo?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does it seem likely that Segismundo would really believe Clotaldo when Clotaldo tells Segismundo he was just dreaming?

2. Does it seem odd that Clarnn is cast into prison even though several servants assisted the process of getting Segismundo back to the prison tower?

3. How do Clotaldo's actions in this scene give the audience a glimpse into a possible positive characteristic of the man?

4. What is one of the key ideas of the play that comes up in Act 2, Scene 2?

5. What does Clotaldo reply when Segismundo bemoans his fate?

6. What is ironic about the ending of this scene?

7. How does Clotaldo's waffling about this issue demonstrate the extent of the patriarchal culture in which he lives?

8. What transpires at the beginning of this scene?

9. How does Segismundo respond to the idea that the right thing should be done even if one is dreaming?

10. About what does Rosaura speak to Clotaldo?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In the opening to Act 1, Scene 2, Cousins Estrella and Asolfo are niece and nephew to the king, who as far as they know, has no son or daughter of his own. Estrella claims the throne as the eldest child of the eldest daughter; Astolfo's claim lies in the fact of his gender. Were the situation reversed and Astolfo was the eldest child of the eldest daughter, there would be no question to his rights to the throne. Most monarchies of Europe are based upon preference to males as heirs to the throne even today. Choose one of the following to write a cohesive, detailed essay:

1. Write a cohesive essay detailing why you think men are or are not more capable of ruling than woman. Include some historical citations from at least two European countries.

2. Write an essay discussing how you think the ruling styles of men and women would differ. Which style would you prefer? Why?

3. Write an essay describing how you think the rules of ascension should be enacted and why you believe your idea is better than two European counties you research.

Essay Topic 2

In Act 3, Scene 2, it is apparent that some sort of battle is going to take place between the lawful holders of power (King Basilio, Asolfo and Estrella) and Segismundo. Answer the following questions in essay form, using details and examples from the book and your own life.

1. If you were a noble in Poland during this situation, with whom would you side--King Basilio or Segismundo? Explain your answer.

2. How can this conflict can be settled without bloodshed?

3. Who do you believe should inherit the throne from King Basilio? Explain why you believe so.

4. If Segismundo were defeated, what do you think the King would do to him? What would you do to Segismundo were you the king if he were defeated in battle?

Essay Topic 3

When Rosaura falls from her horse, she hears sounds from a tower and enters to find a man dressed in animal skins and secured with chains. The man acts insane and frightens Rosaura until he calms and they talk. Since you do not know any other information about who the man is at this point, it might occur to you that this person is insane. Choose one of the following to write a cohesive, detailed essay:

1. Research how insane persons were handled in the 1600s and write an essay describing what you learn.

2. Compare and contrast the way mentally ill people were handled in the 1600s versus in the United States or Europe in the 21st century.

3. Research and write an essay outlining the changes in how insane people were treated from the 1600s through the 1900s.

4. There are various differences among cultures as to their attitudes about insane people. Choose three diverse cultures and learn about and write an essay on the similarities and differences as to how an insane person was accepted/not accepted.

(see the answer keys)

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