Life as We Knew It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life as We Knew It Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Sammi going to go with a guy in Chapter 8?
(a) Louisville.
(b) Mobile.
(c) Orlando.
(d) Nashville.

2. How warm does it get on August 10?
(a) 48 degrees.
(b) Not even 60 degrees.
(c) About 50 degrees.
(d) 58 degrees.

3. How high are tidal waves in New York City in Chapter 2?
(a) 20 feet or higher.
(b) 15 feet.
(c) About 30 feet.
(d) 25 feet.

4. On August 11, which of his friends does Jonny see and speak to?
(a) Aaron.
(b) Dave.
(c) Bill.
(d) Robert.

5. In Chapter 10, when is it decided that school will start again?
(a) September 1.
(b) September 4.
(c) August 31.
(d) August 30.

6. How far is Miranda's house from school?
(a) 1 mile.
(b) 3 miles.
(c) 2 miles.
(d) 5 miles.

7. At the beginning of Chapter 10, what day of the week is a meeting scheduled at the high school?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Monday.
(d) Tuesday.

8. Where does Miranda's grandmother live?
(a) Boise.
(b) Omaha.
(c) Denver.
(d) Las Vegas.

9. On June 3, what does Miranda have for breakfast?
(a) Oatmeal with powdered milk.
(b) French toast.
(c) Pancakes.
(d) Cereal with powdered milk.

10. What is the temperature at the beginning of Chapter 7?
(a) Near 100.
(b) 98.
(c) About 95.
(d) 102.

11. On June 3, which of Miranda's grades is dragged down by tests?
(a) Math.
(b) French.
(c) History.
(d) Chemistry.

12. What class has Sammi been below passing all school year in Chapter 5?
(a) Math.
(b) Spanish.
(c) French.
(d) History.

13. In Chapter 3, how old is a young man's child, whose wife is pregnant?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 1.

14. What grade is Miranda getting in English on June 4?
(a) 95.
(b) 84.
(c) 91.
(d) 78.

15. On August 10, what is the community bulletin board?
(a) Library.
(b) Community center.
(c) Mayor's office.
(d) Post office.

Short Answer Questions

1. On June 3, what is served for lunch at school?

2. What sickness does Dan's mother have in Chapter 8 that has hospitalized her?

3. Why is Miranda in Matt's room on August 7?

4. What does Miranda watch after her father's phone call in Chapter 1?

5. What time does Miranda's father call in Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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