The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What unusual friend does Tristram make in Lyon?
(a) A donkey.
(b) A sheep.
(c) A pigeon.
(d) A dove.

2. Why does Toby spend a few nights at the Widow Wadham's house?
(a) His house floods.
(b) She needs manly work done in the house.
(c) The construction of his house is incomplete.
(d) She hosts a large party.

3. What reaction does Walter Shandy have to Bobby's death?
(a) He goes back to sleep.
(b) He weeps uncontrollably.
(c) He continues reading his book.
(d) He comments philosophically.

4. Who does Walter want to have tutor Tristram?
(a) Himself.
(b) Billy Le Fever.
(c) Toby.
(d) Yorick.

5. Why does Tristram relieve himself out the window in Volume 5?
(a) He is too busy playing to go down to the outhouse.
(b) The chamber pot is missing from under the bed.
(c) It is raining too hard to go outside.
(d) The toilet is not working.

6. Who feels guilty about removing the lead from the window?
(a) Yorick.
(b) Toby.
(c) Susannah.
(d) Trim.

7. Where does Toby Shandy set up his battle scenes?
(a) In the parlor.
(b) On the bowling green.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) On the roof.

8. Who is buried in the tomb of the two lovers?
(a) Cleopatra and Mark Antony.
(b) Amandus and Amanda.
(c) Romeo and Juliet.
(d) Edward VIII and Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson.

9. How does Tristram describe love in his alphabetical listing?
(a) Rightful.
(b) Randy.
(c) Romantical.
(d) Ridiculous.

10. Who has accompanied Tristram to France in the past?
(a) Julia and Trim.
(b) Trim and Obidiah.
(c) Walter, Toby and Trim.
(d) Walter and Mrs. Shandy.

11. How does Tristram travel to Paris?
(a) By stagecoach.
(b) By train.
(c) By mule.
(d) By boat.

12. What concern does Widow Wadham express about Toby Shandy in Volume 8?
(a) His conversational abilities.
(b) His finances.
(c) The extent of his groin wound.
(d) His intelligence.

13. Why does Walter want Tristram to wear breeches?
(a) To imitate his father.
(b) To hide his deformity.
(c) To appear modest.
(d) To appear more manly.

14. How does Tristram escape death?
(a) By traveling abroad.
(b) By finding a wife.
(c) By going to war.
(d) By writing a book.

15. Why are the lead weights removed from the window that falls on Tristram?
(a) Lead is toxic to children.
(b) To prevent Tristram from cutting his fingers.
(c) To make a fork.
(d) To make part of Toby's fortification.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who needs to have an eye examined in Volume 8?

2. What do Dr. Slop and Susannah throw at each other in Volume 6?

3. Where does Tristram find his travel notes?

4. Who plans on spying on Toby through a keyhole?

5. Why does Toby Shandy stop setting up battle scenes?

(see the answer keys)

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