Level Up Test | Final Test - Medium

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Level Up Test | Final Test - Medium

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what is Dennis' mother not worried?
(a) That he will take care of her.
(b) His becoming a lawyer.
(c) Her own health.
(d) Dennis quitting school again.

2. With whom does Hector Marinez go to high school?
(a) Ipsha Narang.
(b) Dennis.
(c) No one at the medical school.
(d) Both Dennis and Ipsha.

3. What are the angels afraid Dennis is doing?
(a) Sleeping in class.
(b) Getting to interested in women.
(c) Smoking dope.
(d) Not studying enough.

4. What happens when Hector gets drunk one night?
(a) He almost drowns in his vomit.
(b) He is sent to prison for causing an accident with fatalities.
(c) He has a vision.
(d) He ends up in a full body cast.

5. What does Dennis' father admit to Dennis?
(a) Dennis' father hated medical school.
(b) Dennis' father is trying to make Dennis a better person than the father was.
(c) Dennis' father is not being fair to Dennis.
(d) Dennis' father is living his dreams through Dennis.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dennis begin his talk with the angels after getting their attention?

2. From where does Hector flunk out in his first semester of college?

3. What does Dennis admit to his mother?

4. What knocks Dennis over?

5. What type of exam do the students have to do that Dennis does poorly?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dennis' father explain about the visions?

2. What assignment does Dennis receive in microbiology class?

3. How do the four friends drift away from studying together?

4. What happens to Dennis in microbiology class on Monday?

5. What happens when Dennis conducts a prostate exam on a patient?

6. Who are a couple people Dennis first meets upon starting medical school?

7. What is Dennis mumbling about at the hospital and how do his friends react?

8. What does Kat say about Dennis' belief in his destiny to become a Gastroenterologist, and what does Dennis think about her words?

9. What happens when Dennis bites the orange ghost?

10. How does Dennis escape his room and what do the angels do?

(see the answer keys)

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