Level Up Test | Final Test - Easy

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Level Up Test | Final Test - Easy

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Dennis' friends think is wrong with Dennis?
(a) They have no idea.
(b) A fever.
(c) Exhaustion.
(d) A psychotic break.

2. What does one angel suddenly turn into?
(a) A bird.
(b) A human.
(c) Dennis' father.
(d) A red-faced devil.

3. How does Dennis escape his room?
(a) Climbs up into the attic through the trap door in his room.
(b) Convinces one of the angels he needs some food.
(c) Crawls out the window.
(d) Sneaks out the door.

4. What knocks Dennis over?
(a) A strong wind from the open window.
(b) One of the angels yelling loudly.
(c) Two of the angels who tackle Dennis.
(d) A ghost.

5. What does Dennis dread telling the angels?
(a) He is getting married.
(b) He is changing to radiology.
(c) He is changing to pathology.
(d) He does not want to go to medical school.

6. What were the ghosts?
(a) Devils.
(b) Broken promises.
(c) Memories.
(d) Broken dreams.

7. With whom does Hector have to live for a full year?
(a) The patients in a rehab hospital.
(b) His mother.
(c) His grandmother.
(d) His aunt.

8. What does Ipsha tell Dennis about Dennis' chosen field??
(a) It is the worse choice he could make.
(b) She thinks he will be very good in that field.
(c) It is not a good match for him.
(d) He'd have to get used to what they are doing for microbiology.

9. What does one angel say in response to Dennis' talking about quitting medical school?
(a) Dennis is ungrateful.
(b) Dennis is grounded.
(c) Dennis has more brains than that.
(d) Nothing.

10. What does Dennis' mother say to him?
(a) She was frantic about his brother when she saw him get hit by a car.
(b) She is proud of him.
(c) She is ashamed of his behavior.
(d) She feels quite well.

11. What are the angels doing when Dennis gets back to his apartment?
(a) Watching television.
(b) They are not there.
(c) Cleaning.
(d) Sleeping.

12. What does Dennis say he is not about to do?
(a) Leave medical school.
(b) Leave Ipsha.
(c) Let a group of crazy angels ground him.
(d) Go tell his mother his decision.

13. Why has Hector never dated Kat?
(a) She is a little mannish.
(b) She is not pretty.
(c) She is boring.
(d) She is obnoxious.

14. Where were the angels when Dennis is trying to follow his professor's instructions?
(a) In the bathroom with Dennis.
(b) Playing video games.
(c) Outside the bathroom asking if he needs help.
(d) Helping Dennis' neighbor.

15. Who was in the restaurant Dennis runs past?
(a) Ipsha.
(b) Hector.
(c) Hector and Kat.
(d) Kat and Ipsha.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the passerby who saves Kat's life wearing?

2. What picture was on the card Dennis' father gave him for high school graduation?

3. What does Dennis think is his destiny?

4. What do the angels remind Dennis that they made for him?

5. What does Dennis' father admit to Dennis?

(see the answer keys)

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