Level Up Test | Final Test - Easy

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Level Up Test | Final Test - Easy

Gene Yang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Hector Marinez go to high school?
(a) No one at the medical school.
(b) Both Dennis and Ipsha.
(c) Ipsha Narang.
(d) Dennis.

2. What does one angel suddenly turn into?
(a) Dennis' father.
(b) A red-faced devil.
(c) A bird.
(d) A human.

3. What do the angels remind Dennis that they made for him?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A collage of pictures of his dad.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Flash cards.

4. What type of exam do the students have to do that Dennis does poorly?
(a) Eye.
(b) Prostate.
(c) Throat.
(d) Ear.

5. Why is Dennis' mother in the hospital?
(a) She broke her hip.
(b) She broke her wrist.
(c) Her feet are numb.
(d) She is visiting a sick relative.

6. How do Dennis' friends reassure him?
(a) That diabetes is a manageable disease.
(b) That he will learn to love his chosen profession.
(c) That Hector can help Dennis through microbiology.
(d) That Ipsha likes him.

7. What do the angels admit?
(a) They are not angels.
(b) They do not care if Dennis leaves medical school.
(c) They were not sent by Dennnis' father.
(d) They are not ghosts.

8. What picture was on the card Dennis' father gave him for high school graduation?
(a) Pictures of four people in different careers.
(b) Four angels.
(c) A sky full of stars.
(d) An airplane and helicopter.

9. Who is Cathileen Rhee?
(a) A medical student who is back for the third try at getting out of medical school.
(b) The biology lab assistant.
(c) One of the medical school professors.
(d) Someone who knows Hector form their undergraduate days.

10. How old is Dennis when he is contemplating leaving medical school?
(a) 26.
(b) 23.
(c) 21.
(d) 24.

11. What are the angels afraid Dennis is doing?
(a) Smoking dope.
(b) Not studying enough.
(c) Sleeping in class.
(d) Getting to interested in women.

12. Which ghost does Dennis bite?
(a) The red one.
(b) The orange one.
(c) The green one.
(d) The blue one.

13. What do the angels do when Dennis tells them he quit medical school?
(a) They scream at him.
(b) They ignore him.
(c) They leave.
(d) They die.

14. What does one angel say in response to Dennis' talking about quitting medical school?
(a) Dennis has more brains than that.
(b) Dennis is ungrateful.
(c) Dennis is grounded.
(d) Nothing.

15. What does Dennis think of doing to the angels?
(a) Bribing them.
(b) Banishing them.
(c) Blackmailing them.
(d) Choking them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What vision comes to Dennis?

2. Who has long, sharp teeth and a menacing look on its face?

3. What does Dennis realize as he is running?

4. With whom does Hector have to live for a full year?

5. What does Ipsha tell Dennis about Dennis' chosen field??

(see the answer keys)

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