Letters from a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Letters from a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the man in #41 ask of Harriet?
(a) To become his lover.
(b) To bake a special cake.
(c) To look after his daughter.
(d) To pick cherries for his wife.

2. By what initial does Harriet call her new beau?
(a) S.
(b) R.
(c) C.
(d) J.

3. To whom does Harriet address her first letter?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her papa.
(c) Her mama.
(d) Her brother.

4. Who approaches Harriet with inappropriate advances?
(a) Mr. Beaulieu.
(b) Dr. Norcum.
(c) Mr. Kagey.
(d) Dr. Johnson.

5. What ruling was in effect in Chowan County where Harriet lives after the slave revolt?
(a) No slaves can visit between plantations.
(b) No slave is allowed to ride a horse.
(c) No more slave church services will be allowed.
(d) No more slave marriages will be allowed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following best describes Dr. Norcom?

2. What happy event occurs in Harriet's family?

3. Who is the physician who attends to Harriet's owner?

4. Harriet's owner gives her a book filled with ____________________.

5. At what church is Harriet's daughter baptized?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arrangements does Dr. Norcom devise in attempts to make Harriet have sex with him?

2. Why is Harriet's second child christened in the white church instead of the black church?

3. At the time that Harriet meets R, who else is taking an uncomfortable interest in Harriet?

4. What is the premise of "Letters From a Slave Girl"?

5. What does Harriet hope will happen by becoming Samuel Sawyer's lover, and what actually happens when she becomes pregnant?

6. What does Harriet name her baby boy, and why does she move out of the Norcom house?

7. Why has R moved to Savannah?

8. What makes life at the Norcom house a little easier to bear for Harriet?

9. What is found in Gran's house during the slave uprising, and when does the uprising calm down?

10. Why does Harriet not talk to her Gran about Dr. Norcom's advances?

(see the answer keys)

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