Letters from a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Letters from a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what church is Harriet's daughter baptized?
(a) Chowan Baptist Church.
(b) St. Paul's.
(c) Our Lord the Redeemer.
(d) United Church of Christ.

2. Who does Gran ask for help when Harriet tells her about Dr. Norcom's advances?
(a) James Sawyer.
(b) Tom Sawyer.
(c) Samuel Sawyer.
(d) Adam Sawyer.

3. What ruling was in effect in Chowan County where Harriet lives after the slave revolt?
(a) No more slave church services will be allowed.
(b) No slaves can visit between plantations.
(c) No slave is allowed to ride a horse.
(d) No more slave marriages will be allowed.

4. How old is Harriet when she begins writing letters?
(a) 16.
(b) 18.
(c) 7.
(d) 11.

5. Harriet's owner gives her a book filled with ____________________.
(a) Numbers and lists.
(b) Addresses.
(c) Recipes.
(d) Family tree.

6. Which one of Gran's friends dies of Rheumatic Fever?
(a) Aldine.
(b) Celia.
(c) Alvis.
(d) Rachel.

7. What trade does the young man in #33 have?
(a) He is a tailor.
(b) He is a jeweler.
(c) He is a carpenter.
(d) He is a shopkeeper.

8. What color is the leather on the book given to Harriet by her owner?
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

9. How much does the person in #30 pay for Gran?
(a) $100.
(b) $75.
(c) $500.
(d) $20.

10. What does Dr. Norcom threaten to do if Harriet tells anyone about his advances toward her?
(a) Whip her.
(b) Sell her.
(c) Rape her.
(d) Kill her.

11. What does Harriet do for the first time at Hayes plantation?
(a) Sews in a quilting bee.
(b) Presses apple cider.
(c) Runs away.
(d) Goes to a dance.

12. Where had R gone because he heard there was land to be had?
(a) Charlotte.
(b) Savannah.
(c) Macon.
(d) Richmond.

13. What nickname does Harriet have for Dr. Norcom?
(a) Pickle Face.
(b) Dr. Nevercom.
(c) The General.
(d) Dr. Devil.

14. Where does Dr. Norcom plan to have Harriet stay so he can have her all to himself?
(a) A house in town.
(b) A suite at a hotel.
(c) An old farmhouse.
(d) A cottage in the woods.

15. What does the man in #41 ask of Harriet?
(a) To bake a special cake.
(b) To look after his daughter.
(c) To become his lover.
(d) To pick cherries for his wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the man who led the slave uprising in August of 1831?

2. What do the Norcoms give Harriet and John for Christmas?

3. What happy event occurs in Harriet's family?

4. Gran was given her freedom in Missus Elizabeth's will but does not leave because ______________________.

5. What does Harriet enter into the book she receives from her owner?

(see the answer keys)

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