Less than Zero Test | Final Test - Easy

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Less than Zero Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Clay tell his psychiatrist when he calls?
(a) That he needs to reschedule his appointment.
(b) That he has had serveral breakdowns and needs help.
(c) That he will be late for his appointment.
(d) That he will not be in for his appointment or any future appointments.

2. What information does Clay share with Trent at Spago when Trent leaves the room for a short period of time?
(a) Clay tells Trent that he is leaving early to go back to school.
(b) Clay tells Trent that he has some cocaine in his pocket.
(c) Clay tells Trent that he is no longer shooting cocaine.
(d) Clay tells Trent that his relationship with Blair is over.

3. What happens to Clay while he is in the bathroom at After Hours?
(a) Clay is approached by a man who is interested in sleeping with him.
(b) Clay has a breakdown.
(c) Clay is threatened by one of his former drug dealers.
(d) Clay reads a undesirable message written about himself on the wall.

4. Why does the Mr. Erickson not want any distracting noises in the hotel room?
(a) Because he wants to make sure no one tries to come in the room.
(b) Because he wants Clay to hear everything.
(c) Because he enjoys the silence.
(d) Because he wants to make sure that Julian is able to concentrate.

5. Where does Clay go after leaving After Hours?
(a) To Blair's house.
(b) To his house.
(c) To the young girl's house.
(d) To Trent's house.

6. What response does Clay give to the psychiatrist when the psychiatrist asks Clay what he feels are his issues?
(a) Clay says that school and his parents could be his issues.
(b) Clay says his girlfriend, drugs, and school could be his issues.
(c) Clay says that his parents, friends, and drugs could be his issues.
(d) Clay says his parents, friends, and school could be his issues.

7. What do Ross and his friends do when they stand around Ross' discovery in Part 10?
(a) They tell stories.
(b) They share a joint.
(c) They shoot heroin.
(d) They call the police.

8. Why does Clay stop at the Polo Lounge for a drink before arriving at Blair's house?
(a) Because he needed a drink in order to think properly.
(b) Because he needed to forget his argument with his mother.
(c) Because he had not had a drink all day.
(d) Because he did not receive the sign from God as promised.

9. What does Clay do to relax himself and Julian while in Mr. Erickson's hotel room?
(a) He turns on the stereo.
(b) He takes some Valium.
(c) He takes off his shirt.
(d) He starts telling jokes.

10. What does Mr. Erickson offer Julian and Clay when they first arrive at his room?
(a) He offers them a cigerette.
(b) He offers them a drink.
(c) He offers them food.
(d) He offers them drugs.

11. Where does Clay call his psychiatrist from on the day of his appointment?
(a) Rip's apartment by UCLA.
(b) A phone booth in Beverly Hills.
(c) Julian's house in Malibu.
(d) His father's office in Studio City.

12. In Clay's flashback, why does Clay's grandfather not attend the party?
(a) Because he was passed out drunk.
(b) Because he did not know the party's host.
(c) Because he did not want to go.
(d) Because he was sick.

13. What does Clay do before he goes to pick Blair up for the concert?
(a) Clay watches an evangelist program on television.
(b) Clay swims 20 laps.
(c) Clay calls Trent to get some drugs.
(d) Clay takes Valium.

14. Who do Ross and his friends encounter when they arrive at the location of Ross' discovery?
(a) A homeless man.
(b) A friend from high school.
(c) Two police officers.
(d) Two girls.

15. What flashback does Clay have of Julian while they are in the hotel?
(a) Julian riding his bike in the fourth grade.
(b) Julian playing football in the sixth grade.
(c) Julian playing soccer in fifth grade.
(d) Julian learning how to drive in the tenth grade.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is the girl that sits next to Clay at After Hours?

2. At After Hours, what is on the placemat surrounding the words?

3. What is the location of Ross's discovery in Part 10?

4. Where does Clay meet Evan?

5. What is Ross' discovery?

(see the answer keys)

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