The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Chapter 15 opens, where do Genly and Estraven decide to hide for the winter?
(a) Mishnory.
(b) Kerm Ice.
(c) Gobrin Ice.
(d) Gethen.

2. What happens to Genly shortly after Estraven reappears in Chapter 11 to warn him?
(a) He is arrested and deported to Karhide.
(b) He is arrested and taken to Kundershaden Prison.
(c) He is arrested and taken to the Pulefen Commensality Farm.
(d) He is arrested and sentenced to death.

3. Whom does Estraven believe the people of Orgoreyn fear?
(a) Estraven.
(b) Genly.
(c) Each other.
(d) Karhide.

4. What illegal (according to the Law of Cultural Embargo) skill does Genly teach Estraven?
(a) Mind-speech.
(b) How to understand women.
(c) Levitation.
(d) Interplanetary travel.

5. When Estraven finishes calculating the rations for their winter journey, what parameters does he establish?
(a) Considering the distance is 400 miles, traveling at a rate of 12 miles a day, they have enough rations for 30 days.
(b) Considering the distance is 800 miles, traveling at a rate of 21 miles a day, they have enough rations for 78 days.
(c) Considering the trip is 800 miles, and traveling at a rate of 12 miles a day, they have enough rations for 78 days.
(d) Considering the distance is 400 miles, and they need to travel at a rate of 21 miles a day, they have enough rations for 30 days.

6. In his continued arrogance, what does Genly refer to himself as, in comparison with Estraven?
(a) He considers himself a stallion and Estraven a mule.
(b) He considers himself a mule and Estraven a stallion.
(c) He considers himself a stallion and Estraven a pesthry.
(d) He considers himself an owl and Estraven a pigeon.

7. What is the name of the high priest?
(a) Meshe.
(b) Yomesh.
(c) Handdara.
(d) Tuhulme.

8. Why, after Estraven's successful pesthry hunt, does it become more difficult for him and Genly to travel for the next several days?
(a) The weather changes from snow to rain, turning the snow to mush.
(b) A blizzard begins, lasting nine days.
(c) The sledge breaks down and everything on it has be be carried by hand.
(d) Genly has constant diarrhea because the pesthry didn't agree with him.

9. In Chapter 20, who is the first off the Star Ship after it lands?
(a) A woman named Lang Heo Hew.
(b) Genly's wife.
(c) A woman named Heo Lang Hew.
(d) Genly's immediate supervisor.

10. How does Estraven succeed in freeing Genly from his captivity?
(a) He forges orders that supposedly transfer Genly to another farm.
(b) He knocks Genly out and convinces the guard that Genly is dead and, therefore, must be removed from the camp for burial.
(c) He hides Genly in a trash barrel and sends him out in a garbage truck.
(d) He digs a hole underneath the perimeter fence and leads Genly to freedom.

11. After Genly comes to live in Mishnory, what does Estraven find strange about how the local government is handling the presence of a First Mobile in their town?
(a) He finds it strange that Genly is being talked about in the media as if he were a celebrity.
(b) He finds it strange that his association with Genly hasn't cost him his job.
(c) He finds it strange that Tibe's men didn't somehow follow Genly to Mishnory.
(d) He finds it strange that all information pertaining to Genly is censored by the Sarf.

12. In Chapter 18, Genly and Estraven have gone through much of the provisions they started with. What do we learn that Genly and Estraven are now relying on eating for nourishment?
(a) All of the above.
(b) Orsh and gichy-michy.
(c) Pesthry and orsh.
(d) Pesthry and gichy-michy.

13. When Genly and other prisoners are taken from their first detention facility, what is their destination?
(a) A Commensal farm in the Kunderer Valley.
(b) The Gobrin Ice.
(c) Kundershaden Prison.
(d) The Pulefen Commensality Third Voluntary Farm.

14. What happens to Genly during the first week of his arrest?
(a) He is hit on by an Orgota in kemmer.
(b) His passport is returned to him and he is released.
(c) He is drugged and interrogated.
(d) He is placed on trial.

15. How did Estraven thaw Genly's left eye when it froze shut?
(a) With his breath and tongue.
(b) By rubbing it.
(c) With warm water.
(d) With his breath.

Short Answer Questions

1. During the blizzard, what Earth game does Genly teach Estraven to play?

2. What does the sight of the Esherhoth Crags do for Estraven and Genly?

3. In Earth years, Genly is younger than 30. How old is he in Winter years?

4. What does Estraven do with the letter he writes to his son, and why?

5. Whom does Genly visit at the end of spring?

(see the answer keys)

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