Last Orders Test | Final Test - Easy

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Last Orders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Vince's hero when he was a child?
(a) Lassie
(b) John Wayne
(c) Gary Cooper
(d) Betty Boop

2. Why did Jack have to close the Butcher's shop?
(a) His loan was due
(b) He needed to pay back Vince
(c) He was too ill
(d) He wanted to retire

3. Where does Vince tell Ray to sit in the car?
(a) The roof
(b) The front
(c) The trunk
(d) The back

4. What month does the story take place in?
(a) November
(b) March
(c) April
(d) January

5. Where did Ray make up any lost income?
(a) The football field
(b) The track
(c) The boxing ring
(d) The internet

6. Which character tries to keep the peace between Lenny and Vince?
(a) The barmaid
(b) Vic
(c) Ray
(d) Jack

7. What was the name of the horse Ray placed a bet on for Jack?
(a) Fernsehen
(b) Hello Dandy
(c) Tchuss
(d) Miracle Worker

8. Who does Amy say she chose over Jack?
(a) Ray
(b) June
(c) Herself
(d) Vic

9. What two things make up Ray's life?
(a) Family and work
(b) Books and magazines
(c) Drinking and gambling
(d) Insurance and gambling

10. What does Lenny eat at the pub?
(a) Steak and chips
(b) Sausage and mash
(c) Pie and chips
(d) Cottage pie

11. What is the name of the Arab Vince is trying to sell a car to?
(a) Ul-Haq
(b) Francis
(c) Younis
(d) Hussein

12. Who do the friends joke with the barmaid about?
(a) Vic
(b) Jack
(c) Vince
(d) Ray

13. What does Vince smoke?
(a) A cigarette
(b) A pipe
(c) A joint
(d) A cigar

14. Who opens Jack's jar?
(a) Lenny
(b) Vince
(c) Ray
(d) Vic

15. Who is Lenny angry at for not being with him?
(a) His daughter
(b) His wife
(c) His mother
(d) His son

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Vince presume would happen to the money he gave Jack?

2. Who does Ray says made a fine soldier?

3. What does Vince forget to take with him?

4. Who does Ray fantasize about giving his winnings to?

5. Who did Vic see strolling with Amy?

(see the answer keys)

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