Lament for a Son Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Wolterstorff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lament for a Son Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Wolterstorff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 70, what passage of the Bible does Nicholas refer to as a lament in the context of a faith that endures?
(a) Revelation 21.
(b) Isaiah 40.
(c) Jeremiah 33.
(d) Psalm 42.

2. Where did Eric's belongings stand for weeks?
(a) In the garage.
(b) In the entry.
(c) In the attic.
(d) In his room.

3. What does Nicholas say are the worst days now that Eric is gone?
(a) Holidays.
(b) Nicholas's birthday.
(c) The birthday of his other children.
(d) Eric's birthday.

4. On page 56, what did a friend remark about grief?
(a) It scores the soul.
(b) It separates.
(c) It isolates.
(d) It divides.

5. To have an authentic life, whom must one become more like?
(a) A little child.
(b) Jesus Christ.
(c) God.
(d) One of the sorrowing.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 83, what metaphor does Nicholas use to describe what it is to be human?

2. What will happen to him who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow?

3. Where is it written "Why do you permit yourself to suffer, O God? If the death of the devout costs you dear, why do you permit it?"

4. What nations does Nicholas mention when he thinks about what it would be like to be a member of a people whose national existence is under attack?

5. What specific date does Nicholas say is one of the worst days?

Short Essay Questions

1. What types of days can Nicholas manage?

2. On page 76, what does a bitter, suffering friend tell Nicholas?

3. What has Nicholas become in the world since Eric's death?

4. In Section 8, what is said about what it means to be human?

5. Is Nicholas angry at God because of Eric's death?

6. Why does Nicholas think the death of a child is so painful?

7. Is there a firm answer to why humans suffer?

8. Why does Nicholas say that his loss is Eric's as well?

9. How is what the Stoics said different from what Jesus said about mourning?

10. What will Nicholas do with the regrets he has regarding Eric?

(see the answer keys)

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