Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lord Darlington forbid Windemere to search his rooms?
(a) He knows there is no one in his rooms.
(b) He knows Mrs. Erlynne is there.
(c) He knows Lady Agatha is there.
(d) He knows Lady Windemere must be there.

2. What illusion did Mrs. Erlynne lose the previous night?
(a) She found she had a heart.
(b) She found she loved no man.
(c) She found she had contempt for society.
(d) She found she was greedy.

3. Lady Windemere claims she will not return to her husband because:
(a) She does not love him.
(b) She is too proud to accept his apologies.
(c) She loves Darlington.
(d) She is too ashamed of her own behavior.

4. Who is the one person Lady Windemere must see before she leaves town?
(a) The Duchess.
(b) Lord Darlington.
(c) Mrs. Erlynne.
(d) Lady Agatha.

5. Augustus overlooks rumors of Mrs. Erlynne's affairs because:
(a) She is too beautiful for him to be angry.
(b) She explains everything.
(c) She denies everything.
(d) She begs him for forgiveness.

6. Cecil Graham claims that Augustus cannot talk about anything but:
(a) Mrs. Erlynne.
(b) Lady Plymdale.
(c) Lady Agatha.
(d) Lady Windemere.

7. Lady Windemere begins to tell her husband the truth about the previous night because:
(a) He begs her to tell him where she went.
(b) He knows the truth anyway.
(c) He continues to deride Mrs. Erlynne.
(d) He cannot forgive the note she wrote him.

8. What does Lord Windemere assume about the presence of his wife's fan in Darlington's rooms?
(a) He assumes his wife has gone home to rest.
(b) He assumes his wife has found out about his affair.
(c) He assumes Mrs. Erlynne is hiding in Darlington's rooms.
(d) He assumes his wife is hiding in Darlington's rooms.

9. Why does Darlington say he is not one of Mrs. Erlynne's admirers?
(a) Because he thinks she is marrying Augustus for his money.
(b) Because he thinks she had an affair with Augustus.
(c) Because he thinks she is marrying Windemere for his money.
(d) Because he thinks she had an affair with Windemere.

10. Where does Act 3 take place?
(a) In Lord Darlington's rooms.
(b) In Mrs. Erlynne's rooms.
(c) In Lady Windemere's rooms.
(d) In Lord Windermere's rooms.

11. What gift does Mrs. Erlynne ask of Lady Windemere?
(a) A ring.
(b) A photograph.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A letter opener.

12. What name do Lady Windemere and Mrs. Erlynne share?
(a) Their middle name, Margaret.
(b) Their first name, Mary.
(c) Their middle name, Mary.
(d) Their first name, Margaret.

13. How does Lady Erlynne know where to find Lady Windemere?
(a) She has read Lady Windemere's letter to her husband.
(b) She has asked Lord Windemere where to find his wife.
(c) She ask read Lady Windemere's letter to Lord Darlington.
(d) She has bribed Parker for the information.

14. What is the truth about Mrs. Erlynne?
(a) She is Lord Windemere's mother.
(b) She is Lord Windemere's first wife.
(c) She is Lady Windemere's mother.
(d) She is Augustus' mother.

15. What, according to Mrs. Erlynne, is better than ideals?
(a) Fears.
(b) Scandals.
(c) Realities.
(d) Loves.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who appears to be asleep during the men's conversation?

2. When Lady Windemere hears the men's voices, she cries:

3. What does Windemere suggest will make Lady Windemere feel better?

4. What is Mrs. Erlynne's excuse for Lady Windemere's fan present in Lord Darlington's rooms?

5. Lady Windemere does not believe that the letter destroyed:

(see the answer keys)

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