Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Augustus asks:
(a) What reward he will receive for helping Mrs. Erlynne.
(b) Why Mrs. Erlynne is interested in Lady Windemere.
(c) Why Mrs. Erlynne has read Lady Windemere's letter.
(d) What is the purpose of Mrs. Erlynne's errand.

2. Mrs. Erlynne dances with Lord Windermere in order to:
(a) Make Augustus jealous.
(b) Get revenge on Lady Windemere.
(c) Make Lady Windemere jealous.
(d) Get revenge on Lord Augustus.

3. Darlington warns Lady Windemere that it is a dangerous thing to:
(a) Gossip about anyone.
(b) Fall in love with anyone.
(c) Reform anyone.
(d) Despise anyone.

4. Lady Windemere:
(a) Knows Mrs. Erlynne is her mother.
(b) Has never heard of Mrs. Erlynne.
(c) Does not believe Mrs. Erylnne exists.
(d) Has suspected her husband of having an affair.

5. Lady Windemere is shocked when:
(a) Lord Darlington declares his love for her.
(b) Lord Darlington calls her a coward.
(c) Lord Darlington refuses her marriage proposal.
(d) Lord Darlington confesses his affair with Mrs. Erlynne.

6. Why does Lady Windemere turn down Lady Jedburgh's lunch invitation?
(a) She suspects Lord Windemere of having an affair with Lady Jedburgh.
(b) She learns that Lord Windemere will be present.
(c) She learns that Mrs. Erlynne will be present.
(d) She learns that Darlington will be present.

7. Lord Darlington believes people are either:
(a) Good or bad.
(b) Honest or dishonest.
(c) Striking or common.
(d) Charming or tedious.

8. Cecil Graham introduces Mrs. Erlynne to his aunt because:
(a) He knows Mrs. Erlynne is respectable.
(b) He wants to annoy his aunt.
(c) He knows his aunt will find her amusing.
(d) He cannot resist Mrs. Erlynne.

9. What does Lady Windemere believe about women who have committed adultery?
(a) They can never be forgiven.
(b) They can never be happy.
(c) They can never return to their families.
(d) They can never be too careful.

10. What would make life simpler, in Lady Windemere's opinion?
(a) Complexity.
(b) Hard and fast rules of conduct.
(c) Different rules of conduct for men and women.
(d) Marriage.

11. Lord Darlington claims be pretends to be bad because if you pretend to be good:
(a) The world rejects you.
(b) The world takes you very seriously.
(c) The world will not take you seriously.
(d) The world will expect you to be good every day.

12. Lord Darlington fears these kind of people do a great deal of harm in the world:
(a) Important people.
(b) Good people.
(c) Vile people.
(d) Bad people.

13. What is occurring at the start of Act 2?
(a) Lady Windemere's ball.
(b) Lady Windemere's confrontation with Mrs. Erlynne.
(c) Lord Windemere's confrontation with Lord Darlington.
(d) Lord and Lady Windemere's divorce proceedings.

14. What is Lord Darlington's objection to "good" people?
(a) He says they make goodness of extraordinary importance.
(b) He says they make badness of extraordinary importance.
(c) He says they are not really good on the inside.
(d) He says they make bad people look exciting.

15. When Mrs. Erlynne reads her daughter's letter, she asks:
(a) How can I gain my child's trust?
(b) How can I face my child now?
(c) How can I find her at this late hour?
(d) How can I save my child?

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Lord Darlington say he wants Lady Windemere to take him seriously?

2. Darlington describes the upcoming ball as:

3. What does Lady Windemere decide after her husband exits with Mrs. Erlynne?

4. Mrs. Erlynne wants to be introduced to the women at the party so that:

5. In Act 2 the audience learns:

(see the answer keys)

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