Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Windermere's Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who plans to be married to Mrs. Erlynne?
(a) Lord Darlington.
(b) Lord Windemere.
(c) The Duke of Berwick.
(d) Lord Augustus.

2. Lady Windemere claims she never:
(a) Lies.
(b) Gives in.
(c) Cheats on her husband.
(d) Cries.

3. Lord Darlington calls Lady Windemere a:
(a) Quaker.
(b) Charlatan.
(c) Christian.
(d) Puritan.

4. Lord Darlington uses a hypothetical situation about a married man having an affair in order to:
(a) Tell Lady Windemere her husband is unfaithful.
(b) Tell Lady Windemere he himself is being unfaithful to his wife.
(c) Tell Lady Windemere that she is too much of a Puritan.
(d) Tell Lady Windemere that he knows she is having an affair.

5. The Duchess carefully edits:
(a) Hopper's proposal to Agatha.
(b) Lady Windemere's guest list.
(c) Agatha's dance card.
(d) Lady Windemere's letter to her husband.

6. What excuse did the Duchess use to get her husband out of town when she suspected he was having an affair?
(a) She pretended to have an affair.
(b) She pretended to be very ill.
(c) She pretended to be very angry.
(d) She pretended she needed to go home to her family.

7. Lord Augustus immediately questions Lord Windemere about:
(a) Lady Agatha.
(b) The Duchess.
(c) Lady Windemere.
(d) Mrs. Erlynne.

8. Lord Darlington claims he can resist everything but:
(a) Temptation.
(b) Scandal.
(c) Flirtation.
(d) Insincerity.

9. Lord Darlington claims be pretends to be bad because if you pretend to be good:
(a) The world rejects you.
(b) The world will expect you to be good every day.
(c) The world takes you very seriously.
(d) The world will not take you seriously.

10. Augustus is:
(a) Lady Windemere's brother.
(b) The Duchess' brother.
(c) The Duchess' husband.
(d) Lord Darlington's brother.

11. What would make life simpler, in Lady Windemere's opinion?
(a) Different rules of conduct for men and women.
(b) Complexity.
(c) Marriage.
(d) Hard and fast rules of conduct.

12. Who enters looking for Lady Windemere?
(a) Mrs. Erlynne.
(b) Lord Darlington.
(c) Lord Windemere.
(d) Lady Plymdale.

13. Who is Lady Windemere's first caller?
(a) Lord Parker.
(b) Lord Windemere.
(c) Lady Erlynne.
(d) Lord Darlington.

14. Lady Plymdale wants her husband to meet Mrs. Erlynne so that:
(a) He will pay attention to his own wife again.
(b) He will deny her admittance to society.
(c) He will confirm that she is an unacceptable woman.
(d) He will pay attention to Mrs. Erlynne instead of her.

15. Why doesn't Lord Windemere explain his reasons for spending time with Mrs. Erlynne?
(a) He has no honorable reasons for spending time with her.
(b) He cannot bear to face the truth of his actions.
(c) He cannot reveal that she is his mistress.
(d) He cannot reveal that she is Lady Windemere's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lord Windemere discover the letter his wife has written?

2. One might describe the Duchess' attitude about her husband's infidelity as:

3. Lord Windemere fears he cannot share Lady Erlynne's real identity with his wife because:

4. What favor does Mrs. Erlynne ask of Augustus?

5. Lord Augustus is to call on Mrs. Erlynne in order to:

(see the answer keys)

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