Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which is NOT among the planned stops for Heyerdahl?
(a) Peru
(b) South America
(c) Ecuador
(d) Galapagos Islands

2. What pet is given to Herman?
(a) Cat
(b) Crab
(c) Parrot
(d) Monkey

3. With whom does Heyerdahl meet in Lima?
(a) Peruvian Marine Minister
(b) American Ambassador
(c) Peruvian President
(d) Otto Munthe-Kaas

4. The ancient story involves the building of what objects?
(a) Villages
(b) Pyramids
(c) Stonehenge
(d) Easter Island statues

5. What is Otto Munthe-Kaas' title?
(a) Peruvian Ambassador
(b) U.S. Secretary of Defense
(c) Norwegian Consul
(d) Military attache

6. Where does Heyerdahl's friend, Carl, live?
(a) Chelsea
(b) Greenwich Village
(c) SoHo
(d) Hoboken

7. Who arranges to find the first tree?
(a) Federico
(b) Manuel
(c) Angelo
(d) Agurto

8. What is Heyerdahl's status at the club?
(a) Junior member
(b) President
(c) Secretary
(d) Protégé

9. What is the name of the old man that tells the history of the region?
(a) King Kemah Mahe
(b) Knutson
(c) Tei Tutua
(d) Cari

10. Heyerdahl is summoned to which government facility?
(a) White House
(b) Supreme Court
(c) Pentagon
(d) Capitol Hill

11. Who is Peter Freuchen?
(a) A French engineer
(b) A Danish Arctic explorer
(c) A Norwegian ethnologist
(d) A Dutch navigation expert

12. How does Nieto learn about Heyerdahl's journey?
(a) Town gossip
(b) Newspaper
(c) Telegram
(d) Internet

13. In what increments do the Polynesians recount their history?
(a) 10 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 50 years

14. What does Heyerdahl require to construct the raft?
(a) Translator
(b) Chain saw
(c) Balsa logs
(d) Engineer

15. Heyerdahl went on an expedition to which island?
(a) Oahu
(b) Cuba
(c) Prince Edward Island
(d) Fatu Hiva

Short Answer Questions

1. What language was the translator required to speak?

2. What is one of Heyerdahl's main concerns in planning a route?

3. What is another name for the people of this region?

4. Who attempts to watch the craft in action?

5. Who accompanies Heyerdahl on the trip?

(see the answer keys)

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