Kolyma Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kolyma Tales Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What equipment arrived from America and, therefore, convicts learned a new word?
(a) Harvester.
(b) Front-end loader.
(c) Crane.
(d) Bulldozer.

2. What did the narrator recall had been confiscated in Magadan? ("Esperanto.")
(a) Fur coats.
(b) Fleece coats.
(c) Books.
(d) Pants.

3. What was Romanov's real occupation? ("The Lawyers' Plot.")
(a) Secret police.
(b) Informant for the German Army.
(c) American spy.
(d) Nazi informant.

4. What did Nikishov claim was different about Kolyma? ("Chief of Political Control.")
(a) Its power.
(b) Its prisoners.
(c) Its morality.
(d) Its strength.

5. What sun had burned the men's faces in "My First Tooth"?
(a) Endergonic sun.
(b) Perihelion sun.
(c) Aphelion sun.
(d) Ural sun.

6. What "large village" was the first destination for the narrator in "The Train"?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Timeron.
(c) Yakutsk.
(d) Gravetoch.

7. What was being performed in the camp in "Esperanto"?
(a) "Lemonade."
(b) "A Fig Branch."
(c) "The Tempest."
(d) "Treason."

8. In what year was the narrator in "The Lawyers' Plot" born?
(a) 1907.
(b) 1928.
(c) 1890.
(d) 1934.

9. What, in "My First Tooth," was rented to put convicts into?
(a) A mission.
(b) A private home.
(c) Huts.
(d) A school.

10. What had the narrator written complaints about? ("The Lawyers' Plot.")
(a) Guard beatings.
(b) Weather work conditions.
(c) Bunk conditions.
(d) Bread rations.

11. What did the narrator call "precious things" in "Esperanto"?
(a) Civilian clothing.
(b) Felt boots.
(c) Convict clothing.
(d) Pea coats.

12. What, in "Land-Lease," was nicknamed "American honey"?
(a) Syrup.
(b) Condensed milk.
(c) Glycerin.
(d) Shortbread.

13. According to "The Lawyers' Plot," how many paths led out of the mine?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 7.
(d) 1.

14. What did Praga, in "Esperanto," do to his clothing?
(a) Traded it for tobacco.
(b) Burned it.
(c) Traded it for extra soup.
(d) Tore it into rags.

15. Where did the convicts spend the night in "My First Tooth"?
(a) A police station.
(b) A bathhouse.
(c) A barracks.
(d) A cave.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Peter Zayats beaten by the guards in "My First Tooth"?

2. What kind of injection did the chief in "Chief of Political Control" need?

3. What was told, at the end of "The Lawyers' Plot", had happened to Rebrov?

4. What number gang was the director questioning in "The Injector"?

5. What fresh prints were described at the opening of "Land Lease"?

(see the answer keys)

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