Kokoro Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kokoro Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What “delicacy” does the narrator’s father enjoy having his wife prepare for him while he is bed-ridden in Part II, My Parents and I?

2. Sensei claims in Part III, Sensei’s Testament, that Sensei’s family attempted to force him into a marriage with whom while he was in college?

3. What word from Part III, Sensei’s Testament means flirtation?

4. Sensei tells the narrator in his letter in Part III, Sensei’s Testament, that he wants to reveal his past to the narrator because he is what?

5. Sensei’s family home was how far from the nearest city when he was growing up, according to his letter in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

Short Essay Questions

1. When does Sensei tell Soseki he began to respect him in his letter in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

2. Describe the scene when Sensei discovers K’s suicide in Part III, Sensei’s Testament. What is Sensei’s emotional response?

3. What are the conflicting objectives presented to Soseki by his mother in Part II, My Parents and I?

4. What topic causes strife between Sensei and his adoptive family in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

5. How does Soseki’s father greet him when he arrives home in Part II, My Parents and I? What is Soseki’s impression?

6. What is Sensei’s objective in having K live with him? How do Okusan and Ojosan respond to Sensei’s suggestions?

7. What explanation does Sensei give for his lack of earlier response to Soseki’s letter in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

8. What does K confront Sensei about outside the library in Part III, Sensei’s Testament? How does Sensei respond?

9. What is revealed in K’s suicide note in Part III, Sensei’s Testament? How does Sensei react?

10. What warning does Okusan give Sensei when he first broaches the topic of K coming to live at the house in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the Forward to Kokoro. Who is the translator for the work and what does he write of the language in the novel? What important historical facts are related? Why are they important in understanding Kokoro?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the theme of monetary greed in Kokoro. What characters illustrate this theme clearly? How is Sensei’s past affected by greed? What impact did this have on Sensei and his feelings for humanity?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Soseki’s letter to Sensei in Part II, My Parents and I. Does Soseki expect a response from Sensei? Does Soseki believe Sensei to be capable or willing to help him find employment? How does Soseki feel when he does not receive a reply?

(see the answer keys)

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