Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the servants where Palinor is staying demand of Fra Murta?
(a) That they leave Palinor alone.
(b) That they arrest all of them.
(c) That they bring Severo there.
(d) That they not beat Palinor.

2. Where is Palinor confined by Fra Murta?
(a) In the church basement.
(b) In a deep dungeon.
(c) In the city jail.
(d) In a cell with no windows.

3. What do Fra Murta's minions force Palinor to do?
(a) Go to his knees.
(b) Take communion.
(c) Wear a black hood.
(d) Straddle a large log with his hands bound.

4. What does Jamie find out about abandoned babies?
(a) It usually occurs when the mother dies.
(b) It is a common practice.
(c) It is usually the father that makes the mother do it.
(d) It never happens.

5. What does Severo tell Fra Murta is the reason he didn't follow procedure with Palinor?
(a) He's performing an experiment.
(b) He likes Palinor too much.
(c) He wants Beneditx to have practice on Palinor.
(d) He didn't explain his actions.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Beneditx tell Palinor about his idea of nonbelievers?

2. What has Severo told the nuns about Amara?

3. What does Esperanca say why Palinor cannot be a heretic?

4. Why does Amara keep climbing?

5. What does Fra Murta demand of the nuns?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Rafal tell Severo and what does Severo do?

2. What do the servants at Saracen's house demand of Fra Murta?

3. What does Palinor think about as far as writings of St. Augustine?

4. Why does Severo say the experiment with Amara is void?

5. What happens when Palinor is tortured?

6. Summarize the discussion between Severo and Fra Murta about conscience and Palinor.

7. What does Sor Agnete realize about the crucifix in the chapel?

8. What does Beneditx say to Palinor about his new knowledge of nonbelievers? What does Palinor say to him?

9. What does Jamie do when he comes for Amara and what does he do with her?

10. What does Amara do after Jamie leaves her?

(see the answer keys)

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