Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Beneditx say his faith is gone?
(a) He thinks the world is too ugly to have been created by God.
(b) He thinks the church murders people.
(c) He realizes he never really believed.
(d) His reasoning upon which is was based was faulty.

2. What does Amara ask Josefa that shows she's thinking about more than what's in front of her?
(a) She asks what's for dinner that night.
(b) She asks what Josefa is thinking.
(c) She asks if they can find her sister.
(d) She asks if Josefa is married.

3. From where have Joffre and Dolca walked?
(a) From the convent.
(b) From the mountains.
(c) From Saracen's House.
(d) From Ciudad.

4. What did Dolca spend the money from Severo on?
(a) A fine robe for Palinor to wear while he died.
(b) A good last meal for Palinor.
(c) A small house on the coast.
(d) A substance that emits a lethal fume when burned.

5. To what fire is Fra Murta referring?
(a) The fire in the tavern.
(b) The fire that kills Palinor.
(c) The fire in the next world.
(d) The fire at the blacksmith's.

6. What does Beneditx tell Severo.
(a) That he has finished his task.
(b) That Palinor has convinced him.
(c) That Palinor now believes in God.
(d) That he is leaving for England.

7. Where does Jamie stay when he comes to take Amara?
(a) Saint Jeronimo.
(b) Saracen's house.
(c) Ciudad.
(d) With Beneditx.

8. What do the nuns believe about Amara and Fra Murta?
(a) He has accepted that she knows nothing of God.
(b) He wants to learn more from her.
(c) He appreciates her childish wisdom.
(d) Fra Murta has rejected Amara's answers.

9. Where do many mothers leave their babies?
(a) At the tavern.
(b) At the church.
(c) At the hospital.
(d) At the doctors.

10. What was unusual about Amara's birth?
(a) She was born to a whore.
(b) Her mother died when she was born.
(c) She wasn't born on the island.
(d) She was a twin.

11. What kind of cell does Beneditx retreat to?
(a) Deeper and darker.
(b) The top floor cell.
(c) One with a window.
(d) The cell in the basement.

12. Why does Rafal tell Severo he can no longer serve him?
(a) He no longer believes in God.
(b) He is too old.
(c) He is ill and dying.
(d) He wants to get married.

13. What does Palinor say about his fall from the ship?
(a) He is bitter it happened.
(b) He should have let himself drown.
(c) He should have swum the other way.
(d) He will be more careful the next time.

14. What vow does Josefa break?
(a) Not telling Amara about God.
(b) Not eating meat.
(c) Obeying her father.
(d) Not having a lover.

15. How does Fra Murta seem to feel about being an inquisitor?
(a) He believes it is not necessary.
(b) He is indifferent to it.
(c) He despises it.
(d) He relishes it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fra Murta believe about the eventual outcome of the "Amara" experiment?

2. Why does Fra Murta believe Amara answered his questions as she did?

3. What does Fra Murta say will make Palinor confess his sins?

4. What does Palinor wonder about as he waits for the morning?

5. What does Severo suggest to Palinor?

(see the answer keys)

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