Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what do Palinor, Severo, and Beneditx speak?
(a) Politics.
(b) Humility.
(c) God.
(d) The difference between God and Angels.

2. What does Margarlido tell her husband?
(a) That Josefa needs a husband.
(b) That Josefa is pregnant.
(c) That he needs to put Josefa out of the house.
(d) That Josefa has been insolent.

3. What do Severo and Beneditx debate?
(a) Whether the wolf child deserves baptism.
(b) The issue of Palinor's lack of belief in God.
(c) How many angels can sit on the head of a pin.
(d) Why God created them.

4. What does Beneditx ask Palinor to do?
(a) Confess his sins.
(b) Imagine God in Palinor's mind.
(c) Lie to be able to leave the island.
(d) Imagine an angel.

5. What do Severo and Beneditx decide to do about Palinor?
(a) To put him back in prison for a while.
(b) To ask him what he believes.
(c) To ask him to pretend to believe in God.
(d) To send him to his own country.

6. What does Josefa realize about God?
(a) She does not miss thinking about God.
(b) God does not exist.
(c) God is in every little particle.
(d) God does not know Amara.

7. What does Joffre ask Palinor?
(a) If there is such a thing as sin.
(b) Why he doesn't just lie and say he is a Christian.
(c) If life is worth living as an atheist.
(d) Why he was interested in both Joffre and Dolca.

8. What does Amara ask Josefa?
(a) Why Josefa never prays like the other nuns.
(b) To go back to the sea to collect mussels.
(c) If there is a God.
(d) If she can be free.

9. What does Palinor have at home?
(a) A grandson.
(b) A palace.
(c) A wife and son.
(d) Several children though his wife is dead.

10. Who diagnoses Amara?
(a) A famous Jewish physician.
(b) Josefa.
(c) A nun trained as a nurse.
(d) A country medicine man.

11. How does Amara scare away the group?
(a) She drops to all fours and howls.
(b) She screams curses at them.
(c) She pretends to be possessed.
(d) She cries.

12. What does Joffre reveal to Palinor?
(a) That Dolca was once raped and will not have sex since.
(b) That Dolca is actually his sweetheart, not his sister.
(c) That Dolca loves Palinor.
(d) That Joffre is attracted to Palinor.

13. How does Amara walk now?
(a) She is not moving at all now because she can't walk upright or on all fours.
(b) Upright but her legs are still badly bent.
(c) Upright on straightened legs.
(d) On all fours, but with her legs straight out behind her.

14. Why has Jaime come to Sant Clara?
(a) To ask if he can take Amara home.
(b) To ask if Amara can go free.
(c) To ask for prayers for his wife.
(d) To see Amara.

15. What does Josefa ask to do with Amara?
(a) Teach her to sing.
(b) Teach her to write.
(c) Take her to the seashore to collect mussels.
(d) Teach her to read.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the men doing at the snow house?

2. With what chores is Amara helping the nuns?

3. What does Josefa teach Amara to do?

4. Why is Beneditx angry?

5. About what do the villagers tease Esperanca?

(see the answer keys)

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