Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Beneditx say can be seen in the eyes of a newborn?
(a) God.
(b) Angel eyes.
(c) Intelligence.
(d) Innocence.

2. What does Severo encounter at the entrance to his home?
(a) Amara who has run away from the nunnery.
(b) A group of soldiers.
(c) A group of shepherds.
(d) A new fountain.

3. What does Palinor do?
(a) Apologizes to Joffre.
(b) Leaves Joffre and Dolca alone in Palinor's bed.
(c) Hits Joffre.
(d) Has Joffre and Dolca in bed with him having sex.

4. What does Palinor ask Dolca to do?
(a) Undress.
(b) Help him in the garden.
(c) Write a letter to his wife.
(d) Read to him.

5. How does Amara scare away the group?
(a) She pretends to be possessed.
(b) She screams curses at them.
(c) She drops to all fours and howls.
(d) She cries.

6. What do Severo and Beneditx decide to do about Palinor?
(a) To ask him to pretend to believe in God.
(b) To ask him what he believes.
(c) To send him to his own country.
(d) To put him back in prison for a while.

7. What does Palinor have at home?
(a) A palace.
(b) A grandson.
(c) Several children though his wife is dead.
(d) A wife and son.

8. What does Palinor wonder about his wife?
(a) If she is still alive.
(b) If he has another woman.
(c) If she thinks he is dead or if she has taken up with his cousin.
(d) If he left her intentionally.

9. What do Palinor's hands look like?
(a) A working man.
(b) A swordfighter.
(c) A woman.
(d) Those of a prince.

10. What does Josefa teach Amara to do?
(a) Play with jarts.
(b) Jump rope.
(c) Play chess.
(d) Swim.

11. What does Josefa notice about Amara?
(a) She is eager to please now.
(b) She is very talkative to all the nuns.
(c) She is growing into her head.
(d) She is different from Josefa's younger brothers.

12. What does Joffre reveal to Palinor?
(a) That Dolca was once raped and will not have sex since.
(b) That Joffre is attracted to Palinor.
(c) That Dolca loves Palinor.
(d) That Dolca is actually his sweetheart, not his sister.

13. Why is Beneditx worried?
(a) That Beneditx may be getting too ill to stay and talk to Palinor.
(b) He is not worried.
(c) That Palinor refuses to convert and will be burned at the stake.
(d) That Palinor may convince him God does not exist.

14. Who is there to greet Severo when he returns to the Cuidad?
(a) Jaime.
(b) An inquisitor.
(c) A bishop.
(d) A shepherd.

15. How do they get Amara cleaned up?
(a) They drug her with poppy seed water.
(b) They are not yet successful cleaning her.
(c) They lasso her and tie her tightly to a pole.
(d) They use meat to lure her into a tub of water.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the greatest task ever asked of the nuns at Sant Clara?

2. From where is Palinor?

3. How is the reversal of roles succeeding between Beneditx and Palinor?

4. What does Beneditx ask Palinor to do?

5. What does Gillem offer to do?

(see the answer keys)

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