Kira-Kira Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kira-Kira Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the woman who watches Katie during the day call her?
(a) Lynn's puppy dog.
(b) A lost soul.
(c) Lynn's toy.
(d) A hungry mind.

2. What is the name of Katie's imaginary boyfriend?
(a) John-Jim Abalonsaloma.
(b) Joe-John Abondondalarama.
(c) Josh-Josh Ablamoraforada.
(d) Jim-Jake Absalomarada.

3. Where does Katsu practice his chess moves?
(a) The hotel lobby.
(b) The bed.
(c) The bathroom.
(d) The cab of the truck.

4. What has Lynn done when Katie has been sick in bed?
(a) Play puppet shows for her.
(b) Make her cards to brighten her room.
(c) Save all her treats to share when she was better.
(d) Sneak in to be with her.

5. Who owns the place where Mother works?
(a) Mr. Lyndon.
(b) Mr. Lydon.
(c) Mr. London.
(d) Mr. Lordon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lynn dream about the night after seeing the doctor?

2. What does Lynn get hit in the chest with that sends her to bed?

3. What does Sammy do at the Muramoto's house?

4. What is an antebellum home?

5. How does Katie's family move at the beginning of the book?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Katsu teaches Amber to shoot a bow and arrow?

2. What is the job of the man that Katie sees in the parking lot of her mother's plant?

3. What does Lynn write about in her journal?

4. What do the girls misplace during the moving process?

5. What does Katsu do in Nashville, and why?

6. What does Uncle Katsu do to get the girls to stop crying during the drive?

7. What kind of discrimination is found in the plant where Mother works?

8. How do the nurses act when Mother has another baby?

9. What does Lynn hope to do to make money when she is older?

10. What does Lynn tell Katie when she wakes up after the rabbit hunt, and how does Katie feel about this?

(see the answer keys)

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