Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the goal of Batman and his army?
(a) Get the serum to Captain Marvel.
(b) Keep anyone from dying.
(c) Kill Von Bach.
(d) Get Wonder Woman to safety.

2. Why does Captain Marvel keep Superman from stopping the falling bomb?
(a) He will stop it himself.
(b) He believes the superheroes should survive above the humans.
(c) He thinks the world should end right now.
(d) He believes the superhumans should be wiped out.

3. According to Superman, what is the one thing he and Batman have always had in common?
(a) They do not believe in killing.
(b) They both love Wonder Woman.
(c) They do not like each other.
(d) They respect Lex Luthor's genius.

4. According to the art, who is among the repentant housed in the Gulag?
(a) Magog.
(b) 666.
(c) Harlequin.
(d) Von Bach.

5. Who is seen sitting in Norman McKay's congregation at the very end of "Never Ending Battle?"
(a) The Spectre.
(b) Billy Batson.
(c) Bruce Wayne.
(d) Clark Kent.

6. How does Superman snap Captain Marvel out of his frenzy during the battle?
(a) He stabs Billy in the leg with Wonder Woman's sword.
(b) He punches Billy in the stomach.
(c) He slaps Billy in the face.
(d) He grabs Billy's face like Luthor would during the torture sessions.

7. While sitting with Superman outside of the Green Lantern's sanctuary in Chapter 3, what is Wonder Woman pulling with her lasso?
(a) The ship.
(b) Prisoners.
(c) The Silver Surfer's board.
(d) Space debris.

8. The Spectre tells Norman, "In either case, we face ______ and my task is to punish those responsible for evil." Fill in the blank.
(a) Genocide.
(b) Life.
(c) Death.
(d) Murder.

9. In the report from the Gulag in Chapter 3, what news causes Wonder Woman enough to grief to shatter a table?
(a) Captain Marvel's insanity.
(b) The death of Von Bach.
(c) The murder of Captain Comet.
(d) Batman's refusal to help.

10. When being questioned by the Justice League, how does Norman attempt to warn them of Armageddon?
(a) He begs the Spectre to reveal himself.
(b) He shows the scars on his arms.
(c) He tries to tell them about Captain Marvel.
(d) He quotes Revelation.

11. What does Norman McKay, in his confrontation with the Spectre in Chapter 4, say is evil?
(a) Batman's inaction.
(b) Wonder Woman's killing of Von Bach.
(c) Not stopping Superman from attacking the U.N.
(d) Captain Marvel being forced to sacrifice himself.

12. "Of all of us, he had the hardest time adapting to the grim new world around him. One sad day, he spoke his magic word for the last time ... and vanished inside a scared little boy." To whom does this statement (made by Batman) refer?
(a) Superman.
(b) Captain Marvel.
(c) Hawkman.
(d) Green Lantern.

13. What halts Norman McKay's visions of the battle when Superman gains control of Captain Marvel?
(a) Superman begs for him to help.
(b) He is pulled away by the Flash.
(c) The Spectre announces it is time for judgment.
(d) Captain Marvel sees Norman standing behind Superman's shoulder.

14. Who pleads with his brethren to help Billy Batson?
(a) Shazam.
(b) Jor-el.
(c) Diana's mother.
(d) Ma Kettle.

15. According to Norman, what did Superman lose when he went into seclusion ten years earlier?
(a) His connections to Krypton.
(b) His conscience.
(c) His ability to know right from wrong.
(d) His father's teachings.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is responsible for the first fatality of the battle?

2. "If you're that devoted to the Amazon honor ... then let's keep fighting," Batman suggests to Wonder Woman. Why does he say this to her?

3. What purpose did the worms play in Luthor's torture of Billy Batson, according to Batman?

4. Who is the unstable man whom Batman asks to help?

5. Who pulls Norman McKay from his realm as a spirit into their own plane of existence?

(see the answer keys)

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