Kim Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the purpose of the games they play?
(a) To pass the summer
(b) To teach Kim more ways to assimilate into his birth's culture
(c) To make sure Kim can fight his way out of a tight spot.
(d) To enhance Kim's powers of observation

2. What is a Sahib?
(a) A white man
(b) An Indian prince
(c) A conclave of rulers
(d) A native Indian leader of the indigenous populace

3. What does Kim do in his next summer after his second year at St. Xavier's?
(a) Works with Mookerjee perfecting his field work
(b) Stays with the lama
(c) Assists Ali
(d) Is Creighton's errand boy

4. What is Mookerjee's involvement with two spies?
(a) His brother-in-law is one of the spies
(b) He is stalking them
(c) He is searching for them to kill them
(d) He is infiltrating their cabal

5. What is one skill attributed to Sahib?
(a) Best archer in the country
(b) Best arms target shooter in the country
(c) Medium
(d) Hypnotist

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kim save Mahbub Ali's life?

2. Where was Kim's watchdog born?

3. What is the lama discussing when Mookerjee happens upon him and Kim?

4. Of what does Kim's visitor try to convince Kim?

5. Why is the man under hot pursuit?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Kim encounter on the train?

2. What is the main purpose for the spies the British have recruited?

3. What artwork does the lama show Kim?

4. What does Mahbub Ali say to Kim when he comes to visit?

5. How does Kim help a Punjabi farmer when Kim is disguised as a Buddhist monk?

6. What does Kim learn from Sahib and his servant boy?

7. What does Colonel Creighton do while taking Kim to St. Xavier's and what is the Colonel's plan for Kim?

8. Why is Kim taken to see Huneefa when Kim is sixteen?

9. How does one of the spies ruin the lama's drawing of the Wheel?

10. What does the lama say is ostensibly his reason for paying for Kim's schooling?

(see the answer keys)

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