Kim Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the lama think about Kim when he sees Kim transform the chain-man?
(a) That Kim needs to pray for forgiveness
(b) That Kim is being blasphemous
(c) That Kim is able to cast spells and charms
(d) That Kim is trying to make the lama into a fool

2. With whom do the British believe the regions on the northern border of British India are allying themselves?
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) The Ottoman Empire
(d) Nepal

3. How is E23 disguised?
(a) As a tiger
(b) Like a Mahrata
(c) As a way of taking an accurate census
(d) As a bonus plan for the natives

4. Who/what is E23?
(a) An edict by the British governor
(b) A chain-man
(c) A system of classifying workers
(d) A man who has lived in a cave for the past sixty years

5. How does Huneefa disguise Kim?
(a) As a young Hindu priest
(b) As a young Buddhist priest
(c) As a blind beggar
(d) As a male prostitute

6. What is Mookerjee's involvement with two spies?
(a) He is searching for them to kill them
(b) His brother-in-law is one of the spies
(c) He is stalking them
(d) He is infiltrating their cabal

7. At what is Sahib a master?
(a) Reading the stars
(b) Disguise
(c) Understanding politics
(d) Understanding human nature

8. Who sends Kim to Lurgan Sahib's home?
(a) The lama
(b) Ali
(c) Colonel Creighton
(d) Kim goes of his own volition

9. What is the lama discussing when Mookerjee happens upon him and Kim?
(a) The one desire of the Buddha
(b) The Wheel of Life
(c) The way of peace
(d) Kim's role as a British sahib

10. What does the lama carry with him constantly?
(a) A scroll with Buddha's sayings
(b) A chart that he thinks will help him obtain enlightenment
(c) A picture of his lama
(d) An amulet that wards against devils

11. What is Sahib's occupation?
(a) Tax collector
(b) Antiques and jewel dealer
(c) Horse trader
(d) Ship master

12. What is one skill attributed to Sahib?
(a) Medium
(b) Best archer in the country
(c) Best arms target shooter in the country
(d) Hypnotist

13. How does Kim's watchdog treat Kim?
(a) With indifference
(b) Kindly
(c) As a mentor
(d) Verbally abusive

14. What does Ali tell Kim cannot be changed?
(a) Fate
(b) The future
(c) Being a white man
(d) The path of the Buddha

15. What types of games do Sahib and his servant play with Kim?
(a) Mind games
(b) Chess and other white men's games
(c) Self defense
(d) Learning to read the minds of strangers

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the man under hot pursuit?

2. Where does Colonel Creighton accompany Kim?

3. Who is told to be Kim's watchdog?

4. What distresses Kim about the lama?

5. 138. Against what does the lama say Kim must guard?

(see the answer keys)

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