The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Col. Vincent tell Chamberlain he must do?

2. What is Stuart's initial response when Lee tells him there are officers who want Stuart court-martialed?

3. How does Lee generally handle a battle?

4. What does Chamberlain decide to do when his men run out of ammunition?

5. Which of these is NOT something Chamberlain thinks about his men?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 2, Chamberlain," what does Chamberlain's encounter with the escaped slave reveal to him?

2. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 2, Chamberlain," what does Kilrain think the war is about?

3. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 4, Chamberlain," what is the result of Vincent telling Chamberlain that his men cannot withdraw under any circumstances?

4. In "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 4, Armistead," what are Armistead's dying thoughts?

5. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 6, Lee," why does Lee think the choice of Ewell as a commander of a corps is a mistake?

6. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 1, Fremantle," how is Hood described? What does Fremantle try to sense about Hood when he meets him?

7. In "Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 1, Chamberlain," what does Tom say about the bayonets?

8. In "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 5, Longstreet," why does Longstreet think he can no longer lead? How does Lee respond?

9. In "Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 2, Longstreet," why does Longstreet say the assault will be especially hard on Armistead?

10. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 5, Longstreet," Longstreet several times has the urge to talk to Lee about his tactics, and about Stuart, and yet he suppresses the urge. Why? Do you think that is the right thing to do?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In war, reputations may be made that stick with a person throughout the rest of their lives, fairly or unfairly. In The Killer Angels, the author mentions several times that Richard "Dick" Garnett had been called a coward by General Jackson, and though the label was unfair, Garnett has been unable to live it down. In contrast, Lee is such a beloved general that even when he uses a strategy at Gettysburg that is devastating to his troops, the soldiers will not blame him. Using support from the text, discuss how reputations are made in The Killer Angels and what those reputations may mean to the characters' lives in battle and beyond.

Essay Topic 2

In any battle, the landscape on which it is fought plays a major role. How does the landscape around Gettysburg affect the battle? What were the advantages and challenges to that landscape and how does each side make the most of the advantages or try to overcome the challenges?

Essay Topic 3

As noted in The Killer Angels, each side of the war had a different opinion of the reason for that war.

1) What reason does each side give for the reason for the Civil War?

2) How can each side morally justify the war, given their reason for it?

3) Given the differing opinions on the reason for the war, do you think the war could have somehow been avoided altogether?

Make sure you support your ideas with citations from the text.

(see the answer keys)

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