The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose advice has Lee taken regarding strategy?
(a) Ewell and Early
(b) Longstreet
(c) McLaws
(d) Pickett and Hood

2. Now that nearly half of his regiment is gone, what does Rice tell Chamberlain to do?
(a) Occupy the big, wooded hill.
(b) Move his remaining men out of harm's way for the time being.
(c) Join his men to Sickles' regiment.
(d) Take care of the wounded.

3. What had Sickles done that causes difficulty for the Union?
(a) Moves his troops down off the hill.
(b) Engages in battle without permission.
(c) Swings his men around the Confederate troops to the south.
(d) Removes his troops from battle.

4. Where is Chamberlain's regiment sent?
(a) To the right end of the line
(b) Off the battlefield entirely, to rest
(c) To the center of the line
(d) Back to the left, where they had been

5. What surprises Chamberlain about his interaction with the escaped slave?
(a) The instant feeling of brotherhood
(b) His own feelings of revulsion
(c) The slave's articulateness
(d) The similarity between them

6. What does Chamberlain hope to get for his men very soon?
(a) Medals of Honor
(b) New horses
(c) Food
(d) New uniforms

7. What does Pitzer tell Chamberlain about Meade?
(a) He is the bravest man Pitzer had ever seen.
(b) He is issuing new orders.
(c) He had wanted to retreat.
(d) He is resigning his position.

8. What concerns Armistead about this battle?
(a) He is too old to fight anymore.
(b) He may not survive to see his wife again.
(c) He believes Lee was wrong to attack the middle.
(d) He may have to face his old friend, Hancock.

9. What does Longstreet think will be the outcome of this battle?
(a) The North will have suffered too many casualties to finish the war.
(b) The South will come back to win more important battles.
(c) The South will eventually lose the war.
(d) The surviving soldiers will draw more troops to them with their stories of courage.

10. What does Fremantle hope for after the war is over?
(a) The destruction of the Northern government.
(b) The South will rejoin England.
(c) An English victory over France.
(d) A position in the Confederate government.

11. What prediction does Hancock make about the Rebels?
(a) They will attack the right flank again.
(b) They will retreat before noon.
(c) They will concentrate on the left.
(d) They will strike again, this time in the middle.

12. What news about Gen. Ewell does Venable bring to Lee?
(a) Ewell has regained control and is gathering his men together.
(b) Ewell has been taken sick and can no longer serve.
(c) Ewell is not in command but is deferring to Early.
(d) Ewell and Early have had a disagreement and there is talk of a duel.

13. What does Tom say about the battle the day before?
(a) He had no time to be afraid during the battle.
(b) The bayonets are very effective -- he saw lots of men killed by them.
(c) Chamberlain should have given a different command.
(d) Many of the men cannot bring themselves to use the bayonets.

14. What does Longstreet think he should do but cannot?
(a) Lead the attack from the front line.
(b) Find a place to get some rest.
(c) Resign his position.
(d) Send scouts for additional ammunition.

15. What does Col. Vincent tell Chamberlain he must do?
(a) Not withdraw under any circumstances.
(b) Keep his men hidden behind rocks to surprise the enemy.
(c) Hold as long as he can but preserve his men.
(d) Send frequent messages to Vincent updating him on the progress of the battle.

Short Answer Questions

1. On whose eagerness for battle is Lee depending?

2. What does Fremantle think the war is really about?

3. What strange action does Chamberlain take under gunfire?

4. What action does Chamberlain take that haunts him afterward?

5. What question continues to occasionally plague Chamberlain?

(see the answer keys)

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