The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chamberlain think will happen if the South wins?
(a) The North and South will eventually reunify.
(b) The South will become a British protectorate.
(c) America will become two countries.
(d) The South will eventually overtake the North.

2. Why is the slave shot?
(a) He tries to help another slave escape.
(b) He runs from the Confederate ranks.
(c) He assaults an officer.
(d) He asks directions from a white woman.

3. Which of these is NOT a reason Longstreet gives for advising against a frontal assault?
(a) The enemy has plenty of artillery.
(b) An attack would be uphill over open ground.
(c) His men will refuse.
(d) The enemy is well entrenched.

4. Which of these countries is NOT represented at breakfast?
(a) Austria
(b) England
(c) France
(d) Prussia

5. What difficulty faces Longstreet?
(a) Not knowing the area well, he's forced to turn his troops around and lead a counter-march.
(b) His men lose confidence in his leadership and refuse to fight.
(c) His horse lames himself, and Longstreet has to find another one.
(d) He cannot focus on the battle because he keeps thinking about his dead children.

6. How does Lee generally handle a battle?
(a) He gives his officers orders then lets them do the fighting.
(b) He stays in contact with the officers and directs them several times a day.
(c) He retreats to headquarters and studies his Bible until the battle is over.
(d) He joins the troops in the field and fights at the front of the troops.

7. What does Fremantle think of democracy?
(a) It will stand the test of time and spread throughout the world.
(b) It is an experiment that will ultimately fail.
(c) It is a noble idea.
(d) It should be brought to England.

8. Where is Chamberlain's regiment sent?
(a) To the center of the line
(b) Off the battlefield entirely, to rest
(c) To the right end of the line
(d) Back to the left, where they had been

9. The song "Kathleen Mavourneen" remind Armistead of ___________.
(a) His former homeland, Ireland.
(b) The last time he saw his wife.
(c) The last time he saw Winfield Hancock.
(d) The first girl he ever loved.

10. How does Lee think one wins victories?
(a) By knowing when to attack and when to retreat.
(b) By attacking with courage and with faith.
(c) By coming up with clever strategies.
(d) By knowing one's enemy better than one's friends.

11. What does the Baptist minister say to Chamberlain about slavery?
(a) Chamberlain cannot understand it because he has never lived with the black man.
(b) There is nothing wrong with it provided the master treats the slave well.
(c) It is wrong according to the Bible and every man should fight it.
(d) It is the mark of a doomed society.

12. What is the outcome of Lee's discussion with Longstreet?
(a) The attack at the center will go ahead.
(b) The attack will move to the right.
(c) They will attack both the left and the right simultaneously.
(d) The attack will move to the left.

13. What keeps Armistead going?
(a) His love for his home and his country.
(b) His fear of being labeled a coward.
(c) His desire to see his wife again.
(d) His belief that the attack will be a success.

14. Why does Fremantle say the English have not entered the war?
(a) They don't have the resources.
(b) They will not fight to support slavery.
(c) They are engaged in their own war with France.
(d) They believe the North will win in the end.

15. Which of these is NOT a reason Longstreet gives for why Meade will not attack?
(a) He will be reluctant to move without his full force.
(b) He has just arrived on the field and will not understand the position.
(c) He is General Meade.
(d) He will have orders from Washington not to attack.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do Hood's officers blame for their loss?

2. Why does Longstreet tell Hood not to attack to the right?

3. What is Stuart's initial response when Lee tells him there are officers who want Stuart court-martialed?

4. What happens to Kilrain in the battle?

5. What prediction does Hancock make about the Rebels?

(see the answer keys)

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