The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lee think there is an opportunity here?
(a) Lee has just been given several thousand more troops.
(b) Meade will be cautious and slow to move.
(c) The Union Army was just defeated at Vicksburg.
(d) The Confederate Army is much stronger than the Union Army.

2. What does Joseph Bucklin bring to Chamberlain?
(a) The mutineers' grievances.
(b) Orders from Gen. Meade.
(c) A letter from his wife.
(d) More ammunition.

3. How does the battle continue without Reynolds?
(a) The Rebels start to gain control.
(b) The troops follow his orders, though he's not there to command.
(c) The remaining commanders begin to argue about strategy.
(d) The Union soldiers quickly begin to fall apart.

4. What is described as "that ripply sound that raised the hair, that high thin scream from far away... terrible, inhuman"?
(a) The scream of wounded horses
(b) The scream of wounded men
(c) The Rebel yell
(d) The scream of incoming cannon fire

5. Who has been given command of the Union Army?
(a) Meade
(b) Grant
(c) Reynolds
(d) Hooker

6. What message does Reynolds send to his commanders?
(a) Start to gather your troops and await further messages.
(b) Come to Gettysburg with all possible speed.
(c) Do nothing until you receive orders from Meade.
(d) Get between Gettysburg and Washington, D.C., to prevent further movement north by the Rebels.

7. What is the topic of the passionate discussion between Kemper, Fremantle and the others?
(a) The rights of blacks.
(b) America's inferiority to Britain.
(c) The duty of the British government.
(d) The cause of the war.

8. What is the difficulty Lee's army has with being in Pennsylvania?
(a) They cannot get messages to Confederacy headquarters.
(b) They have no maps of the state.
(c) They are now invaders of enemy territory.
(d) They are too far from their supply line.

9. After Chamberlain talks to them, how many of the mutineers still refuse to fight?
(a) 114
(b) 10
(c) 120
(d) 6

10. What is different about the way Buford has his cavalry soldiers fight?
(a) They fight on foot, not on horseback.
(b) They fight in civilian clothes, not in uniform.
(c) They form a circle and surround the enemy.
(d) They use bows and arrows.

11. Why is Reynolds no longer in command?
(a) His horse gets startled by the cannonfire and runs off with him.
(b) He has been killed.
(c) He has been severely injured and is taken to the hospital tent.
(d) Gen. Meade has arrived and removed him from command.

12. Why did the mutineers mutiny?
(a) The believe their service time is up, yet they are not allowed to return home.
(b) They believe the war is wrong.
(c) They are forced to fight in intense heat, and many die of sunstroke.
(d) They are no longer permitted alcohol.

13. What is Lee waiting for at the end of the chapter?
(a) Much needed medication for his heart condition
(b) A message of surrender from the Union command
(c) Longstreet's spy to bring him new information
(d) Ewell's attack on the hill

14. Who is Armistead's friend in the Union army?
(a) Reynolds
(b) Hancock
(c) Buford
(d) Chamberlain

15. Why does Longstreet stay up as late as possible?
(a) To avoid thinking about his children.
(b) To await orders from Lee.
(c) To explain strategy to Fremantle.
(d) To study the battle plans carefully.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is causing Lee frustration at the start of the battle?

2. Which of these is NOT a way Lee thinks of Reynolds?

3. Which of these is NOT a description of Stonewall Jackson as given by Longstreet to Fremantle?

4. What is unusual about Buford's reaction to Reynolds' arrival?

5. What happens just before dawn when the battle is about to begin?

(see the answer keys)

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