The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 2, Longstreet.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What catches Buford's eye in the cemetery?
(a) A tree full of crows.
(b) A gravestone with his family name on it.
(c) A gate that is hanging off its hinges.
(d) A white stone angel with arms outstretched.

2. What question continues to occasionally plague Chamberlain?
(a) What is this war really about?
(b) How could one man take up arms against another?
(c) What is more important, his duty to his men or his duty to his country?
(d) What if it is he who is wrong?

3. What is described as "that ripply sound that raised the hair, that high thin scream from far away... terrible, inhuman"?
(a) The Rebel yell
(b) The scream of wounded horses
(c) The scream of wounded men
(d) The scream of incoming cannon fire

4. What decision does Longstreet make after hearing the spy's information?
(a) To contact J.E.B. Stuart to get the cavalry to Longstreet's headquarters.
(b) To send another scout out to confirm.
(c) To move the troops to Gettysburg.
(d) To go to Lee.

5. After Chamberlain talks to them, how many of the mutineers still refuse to fight?
(a) 120
(b) 6
(c) 114
(d) 10

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first question Chamberlain has for the mutineers?

2. For whose soul does Lee pray ?

3. Why does Lee think there is an opportunity here?

4. What memory does Chamberlain have of his brother, Tom, in childhood?

5. What does Lee hear as he and Longstreet begin to ride?

(see the answer key)

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