The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Wednesday, July 1, 1863, The First Day, Chapter 6, Lee.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What had Heth been distinguished for the in old army?
(a) He had written a manual on the rifle.
(b) He was the leading expert on hand-to-hand combat.
(c) He had never lost his cool in battle.
(d) He had developed a new type of warfare.

2. How does Lee handle Ewell's failure?
(a) He tells Ewell he is very disappointed in him and relieves him of his command.
(b) He warns Ewell to be more decisive in the future or face court-martial.
(c) He tells Ewell he won a victory, though it might have been a greater victory.
(d) He makes no mention of it.

3. What decision does Longstreet make after hearing the spy's information?
(a) To go to Lee.
(b) To move the troops to Gettysburg.
(c) To send another scout out to confirm.
(d) To contact J.E.B. Stuart to get the cavalry to Longstreet's headquarters.

4. What catches Buford's eye in the cemetery?
(a) A tree full of crows.
(b) A gravestone with his family name on it.
(c) A white stone angel with arms outstretched.
(d) A gate that is hanging off its hinges.

5. What is the situation when Reynolds arrives?
(a) Buford has given up command to a junior officer.
(b) Buford's troops are soundly beating the Rebels.
(c) The Rebels have taken over Buford's headquarters.
(d) Buford's troops are holding, but barely.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Buford make his headquarters at the Seminary?

2. How does Ewell appear to Lee?

3. Why does Lee depend on Longstreet?

4. What does Buford conclude when the Rebel troops pull back?

5. What had been Chamberlain's job before joining the army?

(see the answer key)

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