The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Monday, June 29, 1863, Chapter 4, Longstreet.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What catches Buford's eye in the cemetery?
(a) A gravestone with his family name on it.
(b) A white stone angel with arms outstretched.
(c) A gate that is hanging off its hinges.
(d) A tree full of crows.

2. Why did the mutineers mutiny?
(a) They are no longer permitted alcohol.
(b) The believe their service time is up, yet they are not allowed to return home.
(c) They believe the war is wrong.
(d) They are forced to fight in intense heat, and many die of sunstroke.

3. Why does Lee think there is an opportunity here?
(a) The Confederate Army is much stronger than the Union Army.
(b) Lee has just been given several thousand more troops.
(c) The Union Army was just defeated at Vicksburg.
(d) Meade will be cautious and slow to move.

4. What is "The Cause" for Longstreet?
(a) Southern aristocracy
(b) Slavery
(c) States' rights
(d) Victory

5. Why does Buford pause when writing for help?
(a) He has written for help before and it has never come.
(b) He does not want his superiors to think he cannot handle the battle.
(c) He has an argument with his superior and does not want to apologize.
(d) He has to think up a code in case the enemy got hold of the message.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chamberlain think the war is about slavery and __________________.

2. What shadow hangs over Dick Garnett?

3. What is Longstreet's opinion of the South's invasion of the North?

4. How does Chamberlain say this war is different from other wars?

5. Whose troops wear black hats and are known as the Iron Brigade?

(see the answer key)

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