The Kentucky Cycle Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kentucky Cycle Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who beats another miner in an informal boxing match in Play Seven, Fire in the Hole?
(a) Abe.
(b) Tommy.
(c) Mackie.
(d) Franklin.

2. Who responds when Cassius whistles at the Treaty Oak at the end of Play Seven?
(a) Thugs who work for the mine.
(b) Tommy.
(c) The gun sellers he is expecting.
(d) Abe.

3. What brings Abe Steinman to Mary Anne's door?
(a) He needs a place to stay while looking for work at the mine.
(b) He is ill and needs a doctor.
(c) He is a traveling salesman.
(d) He is a preacher.

4. What does Mary Anne offer to do when J.T. is ready to leave the Rowen home?
(a) Introduce J.T. to the neighbors.
(b) Pack J.T. some leftovers to take with him.
(c) Loan him a horse.
(d) Guide J.T. back to the road.

5. What does Abe say helps Joshua?
(a) Keeping him warm.
(b) An elixir made from mountain laurel.
(c) Boiling the family drinking water, which causes the fever.
(d) A certain herb.

6. When the union presidents meet with Joshua in Play Eight, what does Calvin say he is complaining about for months at the Blue Star mine?
(a) Not enough miners working each shift.
(b) Layoffs.
(c) Dust, which is a safety issue.
(d) Poor wages.

7. In Play Seven, what advice does Tommy give Joshua about his coat on Joshua's first day at the mines?
(a) Take it off while working and put it on when sitting.
(b) Don't let anyone steal it.
(c) Keep it clean while in the mine.
(d) Keep it near him while working in the mine.

8. Where does Cassius Biggs, a black man, once find the kind of liberty he never experiences in America?
(a) In Mexico.
(b) In Spain.
(c) In Canada.
(d) In France.

9. Who unexpectedly witnesses the events at the Treaty Oak at the end of Play Seven?
(a) Joshua.
(b) Sureta.
(c) Mary Anne.
(d) The sheriff.

10. In what year is Play Seven, Fire in the Hole, set?
(a) 1820.
(b) 1750.
(c) 2005.
(d) 1920.

11. What does Tommy offer Andrew in Play Seven to obtain what he wants?
(a) Drugs.
(b) The names of the union organizers.
(c) A bribe.
(d) Moonshine whiskey.

12. At the end of Play Eight, what does James Talbert want to tell the press about the explosion?
(a) The union doesn't pull its miners out despite safety concerns.
(b) It is an accident.
(c) It is a bomb.
(d) It is an earthquake.

13. Which of the following statements is not a reason J.T. wants Mary Anne to ask her father to rip up the contract for the mineral rights to the Rowen farm at the end of Play Six?
(a) The mining company destroys the land.
(b) Everything he says about the mineral rights is a lie.
(c) The rights are worth a lot more than J.T. pays for them.
(d) He is afraid of Tommy.

14. Who is Mother Jones in Play Seven?
(a) A character in a fictional story.
(b) A West Virginia union organizer Abe talks about.
(c) A woman in Howsen County who has lots of children.
(d) A nurse.

15. Why does Andrew say it's too late to give Tommy what he wants?
(a) Andrew calls in the Army.
(b) Andrew is leaving Howsen County.
(c) Someone else already has the promotion.
(d) The mining company intends to fire Tommy.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Play Eight why does Joshua tell Scotty he can't tell the miners everything that is going on with the mining company?

2. During dinner in Play Six, what does Mary Anne say makes her father a hero?

3. Why don't the Rowens rip up the contract for the mineral rights?

4. What does Mary Anne offer the doctor in lieu of cash?

5. What does Abe offer as an advance on his rent?

(see the answer keys)

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