The Kentucky Cycle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kentucky Cycle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Earl Tod do before he offers Michael Rowen food and water?
(a) He knocks Rowen down and searches him for weapons.
(b) He demands money for his hospitality.
(c) He offers Rowen whiskey.
(d) He introduces Rowen to Sam.

2. Why does Richard want Jed to join his troops?
(a) It keeps Jed away from the Talbert women.
(b) Jed's a good shot and good with horses.
(c) Jed is a big man who can fight well.
(d) Jed knows the countryside in which they are fighting.

3. What does Morning Star dangle over her baby son at the end of Scene Six of The Courtship of Morning Star?
(a) A cornshuck doll.
(b) A lock of her hair.
(c) The gold pocket watch Rowen took from Earl Tod.
(d) A silver rattle.

4. In Play Five, who does Ezekiel find hiding under the Rowen porch and overhearing his conversation with Jed about killing Richard?
(a) Joleen.
(b) Randall Talbert.
(c) Richard.
(d) Jessie.

5. What deal does Michael Rowen make with the Cherokee warriors Dragging Canoe and Taskwan in Play One, Masters of the Trade?
(a) A trade of whiskey for women.
(b) A trade of powder, shot and blankets for fur pelts.
(c) A trade of beads for horses.
(d) A trade of whiskey for fresh fish and game.

6. In Play Two, The Courtship of Morning Star, what does Rowen plan to do if Morning Star has a girl instead of a boy when she delivers the baby she is expecting?
(a) Leave the baby girl on a mountain to die.
(b) Send the child to live with the Indians.
(c) Sell the child as an indentured servant.
(d) Celebrate the girl's birth with a big party.

7. Who does Michael Rowen order to bathe him when he returns home from Louisville in Play Three, The Homecoming?
(a) His wife, Star.
(b) A neighbor woman.
(c) The black female slave.
(d) His doctor.

8. Which of the following statements does not describe an aspect of Jed Rowen's dream at the beginning of Play Five?
(a) Jed's grandfather, Patrick, dies.
(b) Jed eats at a church picnic in an orchard.
(c) Two women read a list of men's names including his.
(d) His father Ezekiel preaches from Revelations.

9. Why does Jed initially resist Richard's arguments about joining the war?
(a) He fears getting shot.
(b) He says it's a rich man's war and he's not rich.
(c) He wants to be a preacher and doesn't want to kill anyone.
(d) He can't afford a uniform.

10. Why does J.T. claim he is saving Mary Anne's life or at least her soul?
(a) The devil is said to hide in the muddy bottom of streams.
(b) Indians are lurking in the woods nearby.
(c) She can fall into the stream and drown.
(d) He is a preacher.

11. In the prologue of Play Six, who stands off to the side while 14-year-old Mary Anne Rowen sits at the creek?
(a) Morning Star Rowen.
(b) The adult Mary Anne.
(c) Michael Rowen.
(d) Jed Rowen.

12. How long after the first play does the second play, The Courtship of Morning Star, take place?
(a) One hundred years.
(b) One year.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Twenty-five years.

13. In Play Two, The Courtship of Morning Star, what does Michael Rowen claim he does when he is just seven years old?
(a) Rob a merchant.
(b) Kill his first man.
(c) Go to jail.
(d) Become an indentured servant.

14. In what year does Play Four, Ties That Bind, take place?
(a) 1850.
(b) 2008.
(c) 1819.
(d) 1799.

15. In Play Four, what does Patrick Rowen ask Jessie to do with the circuit court's mules, if any shooting occurs during the court's visit?
(a) Make the mules hard to find.
(b) Feed the mules.
(c) Drown the mules.
(d) Shoot the mules.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Randall Talbert running away in Play Five?

2. What cities does J.T. claim to visit in Play Six?

3. What is Earl Tod's country of origin?

4. What is wrong with the blankets Michael Rowen gives Dragging Canoe and Taskwan?

5. What happens to Star at the end of Play Three, The Homecoming?

(see the answer keys)

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