Katherine Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Katherine Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who offers to take a message to the king on John's behalf?
(a) Costanza, Queen of Castile
(b) Percy of Northumberland
(c) Robert Sutton
(d) Baron de la Pole

2. The Duke challenges Percy to mortal combat. Who shows up to fight him?
(a) Percy of Northumberland, as promised
(b) No one, John stands in a field waiting and waiting
(c) Percy's son, Little Hotspur
(d) A mob of angry peasants

3. Katherine receives a letter from the duke in which he requests she bring his daughter Philippa to Savoy for what reason?
(a) Costanza likes her and wants her at Savoy
(b) He wants to tell her in person that she's going to a convent
(c) He wants to find a good university for her
(d) To discuss marriage negotiations

4. What does Katherine find at the duke's gatehouse that brands him a traitor?
(a) The duke's shield, turned upside down
(b) The Duke's shield, painted in red
(c) A ten-foot high cross, painted in black
(d) A four-foot high cross, painted red

5. How is John Ball punished for inciting revolt against the poll tax?
(a) He is sent to labor in the grape yards of Italy
(b) He is banished from England
(c) He is sent to the salt mines of Russia
(d) He is imprisoned in Kent

Short Answer Questions

1. Suddenly, Blanchette becomes ill for a month. Who looks after her during her illness?

2. Katherine and John visit Hugh's tomb. After which, what happens?

3. At Our Lady of Walsingham's shrine, what miracle does Katherine pray for?

4. Where does Richard die?

5. Where is Katherine buried?

Short Essay Questions

1. Katherine goes to the Pessoners for safety. What she discover there?

2. Cob o'Fenton goes to quite a lot of trouble to help Katherine get to safety after the angry peasants break into and destroy Savoy. However, what does he say when they are safe at the Pessoners and she drinks from his mug of ale?

3. After the king's men kill Wat the tiler, the king rides up to the front rebel lines and declares himself their leader, the leader they had hoped for. The rebels cheer. Why do you think the rebels are so quick to embrace Richard?

4. John Ball is once again, now that he has been released from prison, preaching to the angry masses. What is he saying this time?

5. When the news arrives that Trastamare and the king of France are dead, Spain and France are essentially both leaderless. The throne of Castile is now within the duke's grasp. Although Katherine worries about being around Costanza, what does she realize most about the duke's ambitions?

6. Just as Katherine and Blanchette have repaired their tenuous relationship, what happens that makes Blanchette go back to mistrusting and even hating Katherine?

7. To what country is the duke assigned, and to do what?

8. At the raucous wedding of Henry of Bolingbroke to Anne of Bohemia, Robin, playing a comic character called the Lord of Misrule shouts: "Now shall each man kiss the lady of his heart!" He kisses Katherine. How does the duke respond to this incident?

9. Although Alice Perrers is free again and with the king, this status is short-lived when what happens? And what does she do?

10. How does Thomas, Katherine's first child and her son with Hugh, feel about her?

(see the answer keys)

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