Kane and Abel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kane and Abel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Henry Osborne's job in Chapter 25?
(a) Insurance rep.
(b) Alderman.
(c) Congressman.
(d) Bell boy.

2. Who was a Chicago alderman?
(a) Thomas Cohen.
(b) Henry Osborne.
(c) Mr. Lester.
(d) Abel Rosnovski.

3. How does Abel aggravate William after an airline crash?
(a) Abel declares bankruptcy.
(b) Abel tells the media it was William's fault.
(c) Abel sends William an "I told you so" note.
(d) Abel dumps his stock.

4. Who makes a deal with the government and is set to testify against Abel?
(a) Thaddeus Cohen.
(b) Henry Osborne.
(c) William Kane.
(d) George Kovats.

5. Where do William and Kate vacation in Chapter 21?
(a) Vermont.
(b) Europe.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) Florida.

Short Answer Questions

1. When they leave the grand opening, where does the family find William?

2. What does William's son major in at college?

3. Who faces charges of conspiracy to defraud?

4. Who tells William of Matthew's illness?

5. What is Thomas Cohen's son's name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the obvious reason that William is glad to see Abel's success in reopening the Chicago hotel?

2. What was Abel's plea and what her his charges in the bribery and corruption case against him?

3. Why do William and Abel both attend the grand opening of Florentyna's alone, without their families?

4. Explain when and why William and Kate get married.

5. How does Abel feel about the revenge he has had against William? How does it affect his family-life?

6. What are the three reasons Abel and his daughter visit Europe when she completes high school?

7. What is Hodgkin's Disease and who in this book is diagnosed with it?

8. Discuss Abel's military career. What did he want out of it and what did he get out of it?

9. What secret is Matthew keeping from his father and why?

10. What upsets Abel and provokes him to become a Congressional lobbyist?

(see the answer keys)

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