Kalevala Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kalevala Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cuts down the tree Vainamoinen plants?
(a) Lemminkainen.
(b) A very small man.
(c) Louhi.
(d) Two farmers.

2. What does Louhi ask from Vainamoinen in return for her help?
(a) She asks him to build a grinder.
(b) She asks him to ride a magic horse.
(c) She asks him to marry her daughter.
(d) She asks him to tame the man-eating horses.

3. What does Ilmarinen ride off on, after he finds out where Vainamoinen is going?
(a) A magic carpet.
(b) A hand-made boat.
(c) A magic sledge.
(d) A crow's back.

4. Who comes after the Water-Mother prays for relief?
(a) A small bird.
(b) Vainamoinen.
(c) Louhi.
(d) The Maid of Pohja.

5. What does Vainamoinen catch?
(a) He catches a salmon that was in fact Aino.
(b) He catches a fish that tells him how to catch Aino.
(c) He catches a number of fish, but none of them is Aino.
(d) He catches Aino, who tells him a new technique for catching fish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the baby the Water-Mother is carrying?

2. What occasion marks the end of Lemminkainen and Kyllikki's happiness?

3. How does this lumberjack cut down such an enormous tree?

4. What does Joukahainen offer Vainamoinen after Vainamoinen listens to his story?

5. What does Joukahainen shoot at Vainamoinen with?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens after Vainamoinen is rescued by the eagle?

2. What reputation does Vainamoinen acquire over time?

3. Describe how Vainamoinen and Ilmarinen court the Maid of Pohja.

4. How does Louhi ensure that there will be enough beer?

5. How does the Storyteller describe the purpose of his stories at the end?

6. Describe Lemminkainen and Kyllikki's arrival at Lemminkainen's home.

7. How does Louhi get revenge for the loss of the Sampo?

8. What happens when Joukahainen prepares to hunt down Vainamoinen?

9. Describe Lemminkainen's elk hunt.

10. What happens when Lemminkainen happens upon the home of Louhi on his way to Pohja?

(see the answer keys)

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