Junky Test | Final Test - Medium

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Junky Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which two people take the answer to #153 away from Bill?
(a) Mary and Jack
(b) Bill Gains and Subway Slim
(c) The bartender and the policeman
(d) Old Ike and Bill's wife

2. What does Bill say life compresses into while using morphine?
(a) Heavenly light
(b) Hyperspace
(c) Bare need
(d) Cupboard space

3. What does Bill study as a hobby?
(a) Psychiatry
(b) Narcotics
(c) Criminology
(d) Geography

4. Who does Bill hire in this segment?
(a) A lawyer
(b) A driver
(c) A prostitute
(d) A pimp

5. What character does Bill meet again in this segment?
(a) Pat
(b) Nick
(c) Ray
(d) Davis

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Bill communicate with at the end of this segment?

2. What does Bill Smuggle into Old Ike?

3. Why do Bill and Pat decide to stop selling?

4. What plant does Bill read about in this chapter?

5. Who does Bill meet at the beginning of this segment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bill discuss with the police in the interview in section 7?

2. Describe Bill's time with the young drug users.

3. What information does Gains bring about Bill's old acquaintances?

4. Of what does this final section of the novel consist?

5. What is Bill's situation by the end of this segment?

6. What are Bill's relationship with drugs in Segment 11?

7. Describe Bill's time in Texas in Section 8.

8. Summarize the novel.

9. How is drink affecting Bill in a bad way in Segment 10?

10. In what way do the police treat Bill badly?

(see the answer keys)

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