Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who warned Hickman that the senator's life may be in danger?
(a) The senator himself.
(b) God, since it came to Hickman in a dream.
(c) A bishop.
(d) Sister Janey.

2. In the senator's final hallucination sequence, what kind of gun is Brer Rabbit holding?
(a) A shotgun.
(b) A .45 caliber pistol.
(c) A pop gun.
(d) A machine gun.

3. What caused Lorelli to lose her mind?
(a) Illness/A fever.
(b) Poison.
(c) Grief.
(d) Madness.

4. Why does Bliss know he won't be found by Reverend Hickman?
(a) Because he considered Reverend Hickman stupid.
(b) Because he is in a white neighborhood.
(c) Because he is very far away.
(d) Because he moves around so often.

5. What does Reverend Hickman describe himself as a tamer of?
(a) The weak.
(b) The poor.
(c) Sinners.
(d) Humans.

6. Who is sitting and talking on the porch when Bliss crawls underneath it?
(a) None of these answers is correct.
(b) Mrs. Proctor and Blue's mother.
(c) Blue's mother and Reverend Hickman.
(d) Reverend Hickman and Mrs. Proctor.

7. When Brer Bear catches up with Brer Rabbit in the senator's final hallucination sequence, what is Brer Rabbit doing?
(a) Dying of hunger.
(b) Bleeding.
(c) Nothing; he is just standing there looking lost and confused.
(d) Having sex with all the local girl rabbits.

8. Who is Sister Georgia?
(a) Bliss's mother.
(b) Bliss's aunt.
(c) One of the deacons.
(d) The woman who takes Bliss away from the Juneteenth revival.

9. What does the senator feel on his face as he falls into his last series of hallucinations before he dies?
(a) Extrememe heat from his fever.
(b) A woman kissing him.
(c) A breeze.
(d) A cold, damp cloth.

10. While lying in his hospital bed reminiscing about the past with Reverend Hickman, how does the senator know he is there?
(a) Because he can see him.
(b) Because he is holding his hand.
(c) Because he can hear him.
(d) Because he can sense his presence.

11. How did the lion tamer lose his arm?
(a) In a tractor accident.
(b) The lion tamer never lost an arm.
(c) A lion bit it off.
(d) He was only born with one arm.

12. What does Hickman do when he realizes his unexpected female guest is going into labor?
(a) Helps her deliver the baby.
(b) All of these answers are correct.
(c) Take her to the back bedroom.
(d) Dress her in his dead mother's nightgown.

13. Why does Hickman name the baby boy "Bliss?"
(a) Because that's the last word he heard his mother say.
(b) Because that's what his mother wanted him named.
(c) Because he's always wanted to name his son that.
(d) "Because that's what ignorance is."

14. What does Reverend Hickman promise to do with Bliss, if he is good, the week after the chaotic Juneteenth revival?
(a) Buy him a brand new Bible.
(b) Let him go hunting.
(c) Stop putting him in the coffin.
(d) Take him to the movies.

15. How does Hickman find out that the senator's life may be in danger?
(a) He overhears some people talking at the supermarket.
(b) Through a letter.
(c) Through a dream.
(d) Through a phone call.

Short Answer Questions

1. In his final hallucination sequence, what are the men gathering to do at the club house?

2. What is the woman, who knocks on Hickman's door when he is at the ready with guns and a rifle, wearing?

3. What woman knocks on Hickman's door when he is sitting there, at the ready with guns and a rifle?

4. What is the senator's old friend's Charlie's full name?

5. Why is Bliss banished back to his original sleeping place at Sister Georgia's house?

(see the answer keys)

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