Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the lion tamer lose his arm?
(a) He was only born with one arm.
(b) In a tractor accident.
(c) A lion bit it off.
(d) The lion tamer never lost an arm.

2. After the incident at the large Juneteenth revival, when does Bliss get to see Reverend Hickman again?
(a) The next day.
(b) The next week.
(c) Two days later.
(d) One month later.

3. Where had Lorelli been abandoned as a child?
(a) At the hospital.
(b) At a grocery store.
(c) At a foster care home.
(d) At the altar.

4. Why does Hickman name the baby boy "Bliss?"
(a) Because that's the last word he heard his mother say.
(b) "Because that's what ignorance is."
(c) Because that's what his mother wanted him named.
(d) Because he's always wanted to name his son that.

5. After visiting the circus, where does Bliss start going to see movies?
(a) The next town over.
(b) New York City.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) White neighborhoods.

6. With whom did Lorelli stay while trying to regain her sanity?
(a) Nuns.
(b) An aunt.
(c) No one; she put herself in isolation.
(d) Her mother.

7. In the senator's final hallucination, what kind of person threatens to expose his true identity and background?
(a) A mean old black man.
(b) An old white woman.
(c) An old black woman.
(d) A mean old white man.

8. While lying in his hospital bed reminiscing about the past with Reverend Hickman, how does the senator know he is there?
(a) Because he can sense his presence.
(b) Because he can hear him.
(c) Because he is holding his hand.
(d) Because he can see him.

9. What is Lorelli known for?
(a) Her wild hair.
(b) Her kindness.
(c) Trying to steal other people's children.
(d) Her amazing cooking.

10. What does Hickman do when he realizes his unexpected female guest is going into labor?
(a) Take her to the back bedroom.
(b) Dress her in his dead mother's nightgown.
(c) Helps her deliver the baby.
(d) All of these answers are correct.

11. Who does the woman in Bliss's first movie (that he sees) remind him of?
(a) Sister Georgia.
(b) Lorelli.
(c) His aunt.
(d) His mother.

12. When does Reverend Hickman take Bliss to the circus for the first time?
(a) For his sixteenth birthday.
(b) After they go to the movies.
(c) Before the big Juneteenth revival.
(d) When he graduates from high school.

13. What does Hickman's unexpected female visitor give Hickman permission to do?
(a) Murder her.
(b) Sleep with her.
(c) Take all of her money.
(d) Trade her cooking skills for a place to stay.

14. What kind of baby did Lorelli take with her to New Orleans?
(a) A Peruvian baby.
(b) An American baby.
(c) A Chinese baby.
(d) A French baby.

15. How long does Bliss start disappearing for after he and Reverend Hickman go to the circus?
(a) Weeks and weeks.
(b) Months and months.
(c) A few days at a time.
(d) A few hours at a time.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Bliss go to when he disappears from Reverend Hickman as a boy?

2. What does the woman who visits Hickman unexpectedly ask for?

3. What sound does the senator hear as he flees the clubhouse in his final hallucination?

4. What does Hickman's unexpected female visitor ultimately need?

5. What woman knocks on Hickman's door when he is sitting there, at the ready with guns and a rifle?

(see the answer keys)

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