Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Juneteenth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What woman knocks on Hickman's door when he is sitting there, at the ready with guns and a rifle?
(a) His kind neighbor.
(b) A woman he has never seen before.
(c) The woman who falsely accused his brother of rape.
(d) The minister's wife.

2. Why does Bliss crawl under the porch after Reverend Hickman returns after the Juneteenth revival?
(a) So he can get out of doing chores.
(b) So he can take a nap.
(c) So he can stay cool.
(d) So he can read his pornographic magazines.

3. Why doesn't Hickman's jazz band take him back?
(a) Because he has a brother who has been lynched.
(b) None of these answers is correct.
(c) Because he has a white baby with him and a brother who has been lynched.
(d) Because he has a white baby with him.

4. What does Bliss do when he comes across the small clown outside of the circus tent?
(a) He begins punching him.
(b) He offers him some of his secret whiskey.
(c) He talks to him.
(d) He watches him in secret.

5. Although they don't know Bliss is hiding underneath, what are the people on the porch talking about when Bliss is eavesdropping?
(a) Lorelli's strange behavior.
(b) How old Reverend Hickman is getting.
(c) Bliss's performance in the coffin.
(d) What will happen to Bliss in the near future.

6. In his final hallucination sequence, what are the men gathering to do at the club house?
(a) Shoot pigeons.
(b) Vote.
(c) Talk politics.
(d) Gamble.

7. Where does Bliss go to when he disappears from Reverend Hickman as a boy?
(a) To hang out with his friends.
(b) To the army recruitment office.
(c) To the ocean.
(d) To meetings of another church.

8. Why is Bliss banished back to his original sleeping place at Sister Georgia's house?
(a) Because he snored too loudly.
(b) Because he was caught looking at pornographic magazines.
(c) Because he was caught taking a sip of whiskey from the liquor cabinet.
(d) Because he was trying to see Sister Georgia naked.

9. What does the unexpected pregnant woman say she is trying to return to Hickman by leaving her baby with him?
(a) The money she stole.
(b) His murdered brother.
(c) The curse he put on her years ago.
(d) Nothing; she leaves without saying a word.

10. What kind of business did Lorelli open in New Orleans?
(a) A hair shop.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) A grocery store.
(d) A laundromat.

11. What is the woman, who knocks on Hickman's door when he is at the ready with guns and a rifle, wearing?
(a) A dirty wedding dress.
(b) A very expensive ballgown.
(c) A black shawl.
(d) An old sheet -- and that's it.

12. How does Hickman find out that the senator's life may be in danger?
(a) Through a phone call.
(b) Through a dream.
(c) Through a letter.
(d) He overhears some people talking at the supermarket.

13. Why was the reverend once sitting in a lamp-lit room with guns and a rifle?
(a) Because he was waiting for the police to raid his apartment.
(b) Because he was holding people hostage.
(c) Because he was waiting for a lynch mob to come and get him.
(d) Because he was thinking about trying to kill himself.

14. What is the senator's old friend's Charlie's full name?
(a) Chewing Charlie.
(b) Crocodile Charlie.
(c) Charlie Gibson.
(d) Choc Charlie.

15. After the incident at the large Juneteenth revival, when does Bliss get to see Reverend Hickman again?
(a) Two days later.
(b) The next day.
(c) One month later.
(d) The next week.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brer Bear think Brear Rabbit's tail has turned into (in the senator's final hallucination sequence)?

2. While sitting in the hospital with the senator, where does Reverend Hickman believe Death to be?

3. Where does Bliss originally go to sleep in Sister Georgia's house?

4. What two kinds of memories collide as the senator falls into his last series of hallucinations before he dies?

5. After visiting the circus, where does Bliss start going to see movies?

(see the answer keys)

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