Julius Caesar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Julius Caesar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Caesar as Cassius and Brutus have their private discussion during the celebration in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) He abdicates the throne.
(b) He has an epileptic fit.
(c) He is crowned king.
(d) He faints.

2. What does Portia do in Act 2, Scene 4, on the day of Caesar's assassination?
(a) Prepares a feast.
(b) Sends Lucius to the Senate House.
(c) Sends a message to Calpurnia.
(d) Prays.

3. What will happen to Brutus if his plan regarding the assassination fails?
(a) He will be banished.
(b) His rank and riches will be taken away.
(c) He will be put to death.
(d) He will be tortured.

4. What is the soothsayer's response to Portia's question to him on the day of Caesar's assassination?
(a) The signs are currently mixed.
(b) He does not know, but it will be bad.
(c) Good and bad will be mingled.
(d) He does not know, but it will be good.

5. What will happen if Caesar does not pay attention to what the man waiting for Caeser to leave his house gives him?
(a) Caesar will shed much blood before the day is out.
(b) Caesar will die.
(c) The Senate will not lead well.
(d) Rome will fall.

6. Which of the other conspirators have suffered loss of sleep over the matter of Caesar's assassination?
(a) Cassius.
(b) None.
(c) Decius.
(d) Casca.

7. What is the last thing Brutus asks the crowd after Caesar's assassination?
(a) "Can you follow me?"
(b) "Do you believe me?"
(c) "Am I understood?"
(d) "Have I offended you?"

8. Who becomes the leader of the conspirators the day before the assassination?
(a) Brutus.
(b) Casca.
(c) Artemidorus.
(d) Cassius.

9. How long has Brutus suffered with insomnia when Cassius comes to his house?
(a) A year.
(b) A month.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 2 weeks.

10. What does Caesar call the soothsayer in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) A crazy man.
(b) A stranger.
(c) A loyal subject.
(d) A dreamer.

11. Why is Portia so worried for her husband on the day of Caesar's assassination?
(a) She had a dream.
(b) She knows what he is about to do.
(c) She has seen bad omens in the streets.
(d) She is nervous because of what the soothsayer told her.

12. What is Caesar's last warning of his impending doom on the day of his assassination?
(a) The priests' omens.
(b) Brutus' warning.
(c) Calpurnia's dream.
(d) Artemidrous' letter.

13. What was the crowd's response to the last question Brutus asks after Caesar's assassination?
(a) They chant Caesar's name.
(b) "No!"
(c) "Yes!"
(d) The answers were mixed.

14. Why does Lucius go to the Senate House on the day of Caesar's assassination?
(a) To help in the assassination.
(b) To check on Brutus and Caesar for Portia.
(c) To distract Marc Antony.
(d) To ensure safe passage for Brutus.

15. What is Casca so concerned about when he first meets Cicero in Act 1, Scene 3
(a) The battle brewing in Rome.
(b) The storm that rages about them.
(c) The lions in the forest.
(d) A curse.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who enters Act 2, Scene 4 just as Lucius leaves for the Senate House on the day of Caesar's assassination?

2. What does a soothsayer tell Caesar in Act 1, Scene 2?

3. When did Cicero last see an owl when he is talking to Casca?

4. Why does Caesar want Antony to greet Calpurnia in a certain manner in Act 1, Scene 2?

5. Why does Caesar tell Decius about Calpurnia's dream about his death?

(see the answer keys)

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