Osborne Russell's Journal of a Trapper: Edited from the Original… Test | Final Test - Hard

Osborne Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Osborne Russell's Journal of a Trapper: Edited from the Original… Test | Final Test - Hard

Osborne Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Besides rest, what treatment did Russell receive in order to heal after returning to Fort Hall?

2. What did the men gather before discovering that Forth Hall had been purchased from Mr. Wyeth in Part 2 (pp. 144-163)?

3. How was the Indian Chief's reaction to the stolen goods described in Part 2 (pp. 124-143)?

4. When did the men bring supplies from Fontanelle back to the fort in Part 2 (pp. 124-143)?

5. What tribe(s) of Indians did Russell trade with in Part 2 (pp. 184-196)?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which challenges did Russell and White face as they made their way back to Fort Hall after being wounded by Indians?

2. Which view did Russell describe at the beginning of Part 2 (pp. 184-196)?

3. What did Russell and White hear as they escaped from the Indians in Part 2 (pp. 164-183)?

4. How did Russell discuss the Shoshone Indians in the Appendix?

5. How were Russell and White injured by the Indians at the end of Part 2 (pp.144-163)?

6. What facts about the wolverine did Russell provide in the Appendix?

7. Why did Russell resent the robes that Fontanelle gave to him and the other men at Fort William?

8. What description did Russell give of the Old Faithful geyser?

9. How was Russell seriously injured in Willamette River?

10. Which skills are involved with buffalo hunting?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

One of the major events in the book was the robbery by the Crow Indians.

1) Describe the meeting between Russell, Allen, and Corm, and the Crow Indians before the robbery.

2) Explain how the robbery occurred, what was stolen, and the way that the horses and items were eventually recovered.

3) Analyze the trappers' reaction to the robbery and the Chief's apology. What effect did the robbery have on Russell's view of the Indians?

Essay Topic 2

In the last section of Osborne Russell's Journal of a Trapper, three of Russell's letters were included.

1) Describe the reasons why the book might have featured three of Russell's letters and the authenticity they added to it.

2) Explain three things that were written about by Russell in his letter to Martha, his sister.

3) Describe the life that Russell was living in California, based on the information provided in his 1899 letter.

4) Analyze the way that Russell said goodbye to the mountains, the animals he hunted, and the life that he knew as a trapper. Include why he composed his farewell in the form of a poem, the key memories he described in it, and the legacy that you think Russell will most likely be remembered for in the future.

Essay Topic 3

Compare and contrast the leadership styles of Wyeth, Bridger, and Fontanelle as they led various groups and trapping parties with Russell. Also, provide an analysis of Russell's opinion of each and the reasons why he had those opinions.

(see the answer keys)

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