Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Joey go when he sneaks out of class when he has a substitute teacher?
(a) The playground.
(b) The Special Education classroom.
(c) The cafeteria.
(d) The auditorium.

2. What does Joey's mother say Joey is not?
(a) Good.
(b) Trying.
(c) Smart.
(d) Stupid.

3. What goal does Joey tell the school nurse about?
(a) He wants to help his mom stop drinking.
(b) He wants to do one good thing every day.
(c) He wants to become a teacher.
(d) He wants to invent a better medicine for kids like him.

4. What does the driver to Joey's new school call him?
(a) The new kid.
(b) The foster child.
(c) The bad seed.
(d) The nose slicer.

5. Why does Mr. Preston think Joey is being abused?
(a) He is afraid of men.
(b) He has band aids all over him.
(c) He is always crying.
(d) He has bruises all over him.

6. What does Joey's mother say she did before coming back to him?
(a) Pulled herself together.
(b) Got a job.
(c) Made herself ready.
(d) Sought counselling.

7. What kind of school is Maria transferred to?
(a) Private School.
(b) Gifted School.
(c) Home school.
(d) Catholic school.

8. How does Joey feel about boarding the bus to his new school alone?
(a) Confident.
(b) Confused.
(c) Angry.
(d) Scared.

9. What does Joey's mother do when she sees the dirty band aid Joey picks up?
(a) Gives him a clean one.
(b) Cries.
(c) Slaps his hand.
(d) Laughs.

10. What does Joey's mother tell Joey to do when he thinks of bad things?
(a) Think of a good thing.
(b) Look at her picture.
(c) Draw in the notebook.
(d) Take a pill.

11. Why does Joey's mother pinch him when they are talking to the principal after Joey hurts a class mate?
(a) So he will come out of his trance.
(b) To show she supports him.
(c) To keep him on task.
(d) To punish him more.

12. How does Joey feel when he sneaks out of class while he has a substitute teacher?
(a) Special.
(b) Afraid.
(c) Smart.
(d) Normal.

13. What does Joey have for dinner after his first day at the new school?
(a) Stew.
(b) Macaroni and cheese.
(c) Fried chicken.
(d) Pizza.

14. What does Joey hurt another student with?
(a) Glue.
(b) Pencils.
(c) His fingernails.
(d) Scissors.

15. What is Ed's occupation?
(a) Bus driver.
(b) Case worker.
(c) Special Education teacher.
(d) Personal assistant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joey say in a restaurant that makes his mother cry?

2. What habit does Joey want his mother to stop?

3. What is Ed's nickname?

4. What does Ed say causes Joey's fears?

5. What does Joey plan to make with his new slogan?

(see the answer keys)

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