Joe Turner's Come and Gone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Joe Turner's Come and Gone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mattie give to Zonia?
(a) a picture
(b) a doll
(c) a flower
(d) a ribbon

2. What does Seth say about Loomis' dinner?
(a) His plate is on the table.
(b) Bertha will come to cook him a late dinner.
(c) He is too late and can have no dinner.
(d) He'll have to pay extra for the dinner.

3. Where does Seth say he was born?
(a) in the East
(b) in the West
(c) in the North
(d) in the South

4. Why was Jeremy fired?
(a) He wouldn't pay 50 cents extortion to keep his job.
(b) He dropped a hammer and injured another worker.
(c) He was drinking on the job.
(d) He yelled at his boss.

5. What does Loomis say he's been watching Mattie do?
(a) use her hands
(b) talk with Bertha
(c) move
(d) watch him

6. How long has Herald Loomis been looking for his wife?
(a) two years
(b) ten years
(c) four years
(d) seven years

7. What does Bertha say Loomis needs?
(a) someone to watch over him
(b) someone to make him laugh
(c) someone to feed him
(d) someone to keep him in line

8. What room does Act 2, Scene 3 take place in?
(a) the parlor
(b) the kitchen
(c) a bedroom
(d) the workshop

9. What does Molly say about her room?
(a) It's too small.
(b) It's worth more than she's paying.
(c) It's the cleanest room she's seen.
(d) It's nice.

10. Why does Bynum tell Loomis that he's singing?
(a) because he's driven to sing
(b) to bring joy to others
(c) to deliver a message
(d) to entertain himself

11. What does Bynum say his father used to do for people?
(a) bless them
(b) heal them
(c) find their fortune
(d) tell their future

12. What does Bynum encourage Mattie to do?
(a) go track down Jeremy
(b) leave and find a new place to be
(c) look insider herself to find her own song
(d) keep the pouch under her pillow for luck

13. What suggestion does Molly give Jeremy about his job?
(a) He can get work at the mill.
(b) He can get rehired, because they won't recognize him.
(c) He can start playing guitar for a living.
(d) He can make pots and pans with Seth.

14. How does Loomis react to Bynum's singing?
(a) He doesn't like it.
(b) He wants to hear more.
(c) He starts singing along.
(d) He sings a different song, louder.

15. What does Loomis tell Zonia to do at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) stay around the house
(b) go out and play
(c) take a message to the church
(d) stop bothering Bertha

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Loomis say he's forgotten?

2. Why did Martha move up North?

3. What does Reuben suggest might have happened to Zonia's mother?

4. What does Loomis compare Joe Turner catching slaves to?

5. Who did Reuben see out in the yard the previous night?

(see the answer keys)

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