Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much did the Army pay Jim Bridger per day to be the Chief of Scouts?
(a) $5.
(b) $20.
(c) $15.
(d) $10.

2. What was the name of Bordeaux's squaw?
(a) Holly.
(b) Linda.
(c) Marie.
(d) Francis.

3. Who described Jim Bridger as having the eyes of an eagle in Chapter 22?
(a) Kit Carson.
(b) A.J. Shotwell.
(c) Captain Palmer.
(d) Tom Fitzpatrick.

4. What country was Sir George Gore from?
(a) Canada.
(b) France.
(c) Ireland.
(d) Brazil.

5. Sir George Gore brought a lot of men to help him hunt what two animals?
(a) Bear and elk..
(b) Elk and buffalo.
(c) Dear and buffalo.
(d) Bear and buffalo.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much did Jim Bridger make per day working as a guide for the Army of Utah?

2. What was located in the corner of Mrs. Bridger's room?

3. At the beginning of Chapter 14, Bridger and his men were riding over a ridge and the greenhorns mistook them for who?

4. Who was John C. Fremont's topographer?

5. When Jim Bridger arrived at his home in Santa Fe, he had a son named what?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Bridger built Fort Bridger, he built four log cabins within the stockade. What were these four cabins for?

2. Why did Jim Bridger's stay at home in Chapter 22 not last long?

3. Which tribes came to the treaty grounds of Fort Laramie, and who were some of the well known Indians that attended?

4. What were some of Sir George Gore's morning habits?

5. What idea did Bridger develop when he experienced a number of emigrants coming to Fort Laramie?

6. In Chapter 17, when the Cheyenne Indians brought the two scalps and offered them back to the Snake Indians, what happened?

7. What is the reason that historians give for the quarrel between Brigham Young and Jim Bridger?

8. What did one man offer Jim Bridger after he told the story of the big diamond on top of a mountain that could be seen from fifty miles away?

9. When the snow was gone and Bridger got ready to set out with Sir George Gore on the trail to Yellowstone, what did they bring with them?

10. What did Jim Bridger know the first duty of a chief or an officer was?

(see the answer keys)

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