Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What day was Jim Bridger's birthday?
(a) April 10th.
(b) March 30th.
(c) May 16th.
(d) March 17th.

2. What did being a free trapper mean for Jim?
(a) That he must be a master at his trade.
(b) That he would have to depend on himself.
(c) That it would be less expensive.
(d) That he could hire the people he wanted.

3. When the Blackfeet attacked the Americans in Chapter 6, how many horses did they take?
(a) 25.
(b) 35.
(c) 40.
(d) 20.

4. Who was the first American to harvest beaver fur west of the Rockies?
(a) Franklin Tourin.
(b) Major Henry.
(c) Jim Bridger.
(d) John Colter.

5. How many miles was the keel boat race up the Missouri that Manuel Lisa won?
(a) 1,150.
(b) 1,200.
(c) 1,100.
(d) 1,300.

6. Who saved Cotton Mansfield when the Indians were running after him to get his scalp?
(a) Captain Bonneville.
(b) Jim Bridger.
(c) Tom Fitzpatrick.
(d) Kit Carson.

7. Some of the older trappers had advantages over Jim. Who was a better businessman than Jim?
(a) Bill Sublette.
(b) Kit Carson.
(c) Major Henry.
(d) Hugh Glass.

8. Where did a trapper or hunter have to deposit what he brought in?
(a) Before the Captain's cabin.
(b) At the fort's storage closet.
(c) At the front entrance of the fort.
(d) At the kitchen.

9. Who did Jim apprentice in a blacksmith shop?
(a) Louis Parker.
(b) John Colter.
(c) David Mackaws.
(d) Phil Creamer.

10. What was another name for goats mentioned in Chapter 3?
(a) Sheep.
(b) Antelope.
(c) Rams.
(d) Gullots.

11. Jim was able to have wages left over to buy blankets for what reason?
(a) To trade with the Indians.
(b) To use for his horses.
(c) To keep his bed warm.
(d) To give to his children.

12. How much was the fur harvest with that Captain William Sublette headed back to St. Louis with?
(a) $170,000.
(b) $125,000.
(c) $100,000.
(d) $150,000.

13. Who saved Kit Carson from being attacked by the Indians?
(a) Montero.
(b) White.
(c) Fitzpatrick.
(d) Bridger.

14. What happened to the men from Sublette's brigade that headed out ahead of the group?
(a) They found some lost horses and brought them back.
(b) They were killed by Blackfeet Indians.
(c) They ran into another brigade.
(d) The got lost and turned the wrong way.

15. When eight hundred Indians caught the Colonel napping in Chapter 3, how many men did they kill?
(a) Thirteen.
(b) Ten.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Twenty.

Short Answer Questions

1. No free trapper could do what safely?

2. What kind of work did the Crow Indians make Joseph Meek do for them?

3. Jim carried a small horn vial on his belt filled with what?

4. How many men did Vanderburgh take with him into Blackfoot country?

5. Who was nicknamed, "King of the Keelboat Men"?

(see the answer keys)

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