The Jew of Malta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jew of Malta Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Abigail admit to the friar?
(a) She believes that the Jews killed Christ.
(b) She wasn't ready to convert the first time she went to the nunnery.
(c) She has always believed the Catholicism was the best religion.
(d) She is confused and seeking the truth.

2. What does Barabas call his daughter when talking to Lodowick at the slave market?
(a) A pearl.
(b) An emerald.
(c) A diamond.
(d) A ruby.

3. How does Barabas react when he learns that Abigail has left his house for good?
(a) He doesn't care.
(b) He's furious.
(c) He wants to burn the nunnery.
(d) He's wants to remove her from the nunnery.

4. What does Barabas plan for the nuns?
(a) To accuse them of taking Abigail.
(b) To prove to them that Catholicism is false.
(c) To kill them.
(d) To let them live their own lives.

5. What does the prostitute's male friend have when they first converse in the play?
(a) A bag of medicine.
(b) A bag of jewels.
(c) A bag of documents.
(d) A bag of money.

6. What question does Abigail ask Ithamore when he returns from delivering the letters?
(a) She asks why he's happy.
(b) She asks why he's late.
(c) She asks where he's been.
(d) She asks why he's drunk.

7. What does Barabas use in his plan against the nuns?
(a) A platter of meat.
(b) A bowl of boiled potatoes.
(c) A pot of rice porridge.
(d) A jug of wine.

8. What does Barabas ask for in prayer when he goes to retrieve his hidden gold?
(a) That God will help Abigail to deliver the gold.
(b) That God will help the Turks to conquer the city.
(c) That God will have the government return his home.
(d) That God will kill those who stole his gold and house.

9. To whom does Barabas's daughter become betrothed?
(a) Ferneze.
(b) Mathias.
(c) Lodowick.
(d) Marco.

10. Who does Ithamore bring back to the house to see Abigail?
(a) Friar Belmora.
(b) Friar Jacobs.
(c) Friar Bernardine.
(d) Friar Jacomo.

11. What does Abigail ask the friar?
(a) If she will go to hell if she dies.
(b) If she can return to the nunnery.
(c) If her sins are beyond repentance.
(d) If she is worthy to convert.

12. How does Barabas conduct his business?
(a) By following Machevill's recommendations.
(b) By following the precepts of Catholicism.
(c) By following the precepts of Judaism.
(d) By following his own conscience.

13. Whom does Barabas warn his slave against trusting?
(a) Muslims.
(b) Atheists.
(c) Jews.
(d) Christians.

14. Who represents the Turks at the meeting with the Maltese governor?
(a) Lodowick.
(b) Ferneze.
(c) Calymath.
(d) Barabas.

15. What is the name of the prostitute?
(a) Bellarosa.
(b) Bellisimo.
(c) Belladonna.
(d) Bellamira.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Abigail think her father lacks?

2. What gets delivered to the nunnery?

3. What does the male friend of the prostitute want to do when he sees a man approaching them?

4. What does the governor confide to the vice-admiral?

5. Where are the prices of the slaves displayed?

(see the answer keys)

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